update_model_dir_path {familiar}R Documentation

Updates model directory path for ensemble objects.


Updates the model directory path of a familiarEnsemble object.


update_model_dir_path(object, dir_path, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'familiarEnsemble'
update_model_dir_path(object, dir_path)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
update_model_dir_path(object, dir_path)



A familiarEnsemble object, or one or more familiarModel objects that will be internally converted to a familiarEnsemble object. Paths to such objects can also be provided.


Path to the directory where models are stored.


Unused arguments.


Ensemble models created by familiar are often written to a directory on a local drive or network. In such cases, the actual models are detached, and paths to the models are stored instead. When the models are moved from their original location, they can no longer be found and attached to the ensemble. This method allows for pointing to the new directory containing the models.


A familiarEnsemble object.

[Package familiar version 1.4.8 Index]