plot_univariate_importance {familiar}R Documentation

Plot univariate importance.


This function plots the univariate analysis data stored in a familiarCollection object.


  feature_cluster_method = waiver(),
  feature_linkage_method = waiver(),
  feature_cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
  feature_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
  draw = FALSE,
  dir_path = NULL,
  p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
  split_by = NULL,
  color_by = NULL,
  facet_by = NULL,
  facet_wrap_cols = NULL,
  show_cluster = TRUE,
  ggtheme = NULL,
  discrete_palette = NULL,
  gradient_palette = waiver(),
  x_label = waiver(),
  y_label = "feature",
  legend_label = waiver(),
  plot_title = waiver(),
  plot_sub_title = waiver(),
  caption = NULL,
  x_range = NULL,
  x_n_breaks = 5,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  significance_level_shown = 0.05,
  width = waiver(),
  height = waiver(),
  units = waiver(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  export_collection = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
  feature_cluster_method = waiver(),
  feature_linkage_method = waiver(),
  feature_cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
  feature_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
  draw = FALSE,
  dir_path = NULL,
  p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
  split_by = NULL,
  color_by = NULL,
  facet_by = NULL,
  facet_wrap_cols = NULL,
  show_cluster = TRUE,
  ggtheme = NULL,
  discrete_palette = NULL,
  gradient_palette = waiver(),
  x_label = waiver(),
  y_label = "feature",
  legend_label = waiver(),
  plot_title = waiver(),
  plot_sub_title = waiver(),
  caption = NULL,
  x_range = NULL,
  x_n_breaks = 5,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  significance_level_shown = 0.05,
  width = waiver(),
  height = waiver(),
  units = waiver(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  export_collection = FALSE,

## S4 method for signature 'familiarCollection'
  feature_cluster_method = waiver(),
  feature_linkage_method = waiver(),
  feature_cluster_cut_method = waiver(),
  feature_similarity_threshold = waiver(),
  draw = FALSE,
  dir_path = NULL,
  p_adjustment_method = waiver(),
  split_by = NULL,
  color_by = NULL,
  facet_by = NULL,
  facet_wrap_cols = NULL,
  show_cluster = TRUE,
  ggtheme = NULL,
  discrete_palette = NULL,
  gradient_palette = waiver(),
  x_label = waiver(),
  y_label = "feature",
  legend_label = waiver(),
  plot_title = waiver(),
  plot_sub_title = waiver(),
  caption = NULL,
  x_range = NULL,
  x_n_breaks = 5,
  x_breaks = NULL,
  significance_level_shown = 0.05,
  width = waiver(),
  height = waiver(),
  units = waiver(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  export_collection = FALSE,



A familiarCollection object, or other other objects from which a familiarCollection can be extracted. See details for more information.


The method used to perform clustering. These are the same methods as for the cluster_method configuration parameter: none, hclust, agnes, diana and pam.

none cannot be used when extracting data regarding mutual correlation or feature expressions.

If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


The method used for agglomerative clustering in hclust and agnes. These are the same methods as for the cluster_linkage_method configuration parameter: average, single, complete, weighted, and ward.

If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


The method used to divide features into separate clusters. The available methods are the same as for the cluster_cut_method configuration parameter: silhouette, fixed_cut and dynamic_cut.

silhouette is available for all cluster methods, but fixed_cut only applies to methods that create hierarchical trees (hclust, agnes and diana). dynamic_cut requires the dynamicTreeCut package and can only be used with agnes and hclust.

If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


The threshold level for pair-wise similarity that is required to form feature clusters with the fixed_cut method.

If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


(optional) Draws the plot if TRUE.


(optional) Path to the directory where created figures are saved to. Output is saved in the variable_importance subdirectory. If NULL no figures are saved, but are returned instead.


(optional) Indicates type of p-value that is shown. One of holm, hochberg, hommel, bonferroni, BH, BY, fdr, none, p_value or q_value for adjusted p-values, uncorrected p-values and q-values. q-values may not be available.


(optional) Splitting variables. This refers to column names on which datasets are split. A separate figure is created for each split. See details for available variables.


(optional) Variables used to determine fill colour of plot objects. The variables cannot overlap with those provided to the split_by argument, but may overlap with other arguments. See details for available variables.


(optional) Variables used to determine how and if facets of each figure appear. In case the facet_wrap_cols argument is NULL, the first variable is used to define columns, and the remaing variables are used to define rows of facets. The variables cannot overlap with those provided to the split_by argument, but may overlap with other arguments. See details for available variables.


(optional) Number of columns to generate when facet wrapping. If NULL, a facet grid is produced instead.


(optional) Show which features were clustered together.


(optional) ggplot theme to use for plotting.


(optional) Palette used to fill the bars in case a non-singular variable was provided to the color_by argument.


(optional) Palette to use for filling the bars in case the color_by argument is not set. The bars are then coloured according to their importance. By default, no gradient is used, and the bars are not filled according to importance. Use NULL to fill the bars using the default palette in familiar.


(optional) Label to provide to the x-axis. If NULL, no label is shown.


(optional) Label to provide to the y-axis. If NULL, no label is shown.


(optional) Label to provide to the legend. If NULL, the legend will not have a name.


(optional) Label to provide as figure title. If NULL, no title is shown.


(optional) Label to provide as figure subtitle. If NULL, no subtitle is shown.


(optional) Label to provide as figure caption. If NULL, no caption is shown.


(optional) Value range for the x-axis.


(optional) Number of breaks to show on the x-axis of the plot. x_n_breaks is used to determine the x_breaks argument in case it is unset.


(optional) Break points on the x-axis of the plot.


Position(s) to draw vertical lines indicating a significance level, e.g. 0.05. Can be NULL to not draw anything.


(optional) Width of the plot. A default value is derived from the number of facets.


(optional) Height of the plot. A default value is derived from the number of features and the number of facets.


(optional) Plot size unit. Either cm (default), mm or ⁠in⁠.


Flag to indicate whether feedback should be provided for the plotting.


(optional) Exports the collection if TRUE.


Arguments passed on to as_familiar_collection, ggplot2::ggsave, extract_univariate_analysis


Names of the dataset(s). Only used if the object parameter is one or more familiarData objects.


Name of the collection.


File name to create on disk.


Plot to save, defaults to last plot displayed.


Device to use. Can either be a device function (e.g. png), or one of "eps", "ps", "tex" (pictex), "pdf", "jpeg", "tiff", "png", "bmp", "svg" or "wmf" (windows only). If NULL (default), the device is guessed based on the filename extension.


Path of the directory to save plot to: path and filename are combined to create the fully qualified file name. Defaults to the working directory.


Multiplicative scaling factor.


Plot resolution. Also accepts a string input: "retina" (320), "print" (300), or "screen" (72). Applies only to raster output types.


When TRUE (the default), ggsave() will not save images larger than 50x50 inches, to prevent the common error of specifying dimensions in pixels.


Background colour. If NULL, uses the plot.background fill value from the plot theme.


Whether to create new directories if a non-existing directory is specified in the filename or path (TRUE) or return an error (FALSE, default). If FALSE and run in an interactive session, a prompt will appear asking to create a new directory when necessary.


A dataObject object, data.table or data.frame that constitutes the data that are assessed.


Cluster created using the parallel package. This cluster is then used to speed up computation through parallellisation.


Metric to determine pairwise similarity between features. Similarity is computed in the same manner as for clustering, and feature_similarity_metric therefore has the same options as cluster_similarity_metric: mcfadden_r2, cox_snell_r2, nagelkerke_r2, spearman, kendall and pearson.

If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


String indicating the type of intraclass correlation coefficient (1, 2 or 3) that should be used to compute robustness for features in repeated measurements during the evaluation of univariate importance. These types correspond to the types in Shrout and Fleiss (1979). If not provided explicitly, this parameter is read from settings used at creation of the underlying familiarModel objects.


Number of indentation steps for messages shown during computation and extraction of various data elements.


This function generates a horizontal barplot with the length of the bars corresponding to the 10-logarithm of the (multiple-testing corrected) p-value or q-value.

Features are assessed univariately using one-sample location t-tests after fitting a suitable regression model. The fitted model coefficient and the covariance matrix are then used to compute a p-value.

The following splitting variables are available for split_by, color_by and facet_by:

Unlike for plots of feature ranking in feature selection and after modelling (as assessed by model-specific routines), clusters of features are now found during creation of underlying familiarData objects, instead of through consensus clustering. Hence, clustering results may differ due to differences in the underlying datasets.

Available palettes for discrete_palette and gradient_palette are those listed by grDevices::palette.pals() (requires R >= 4.0.0), grDevices::hcl.pals() (requires R >= 3.6.0) and rainbow, heat.colors, terrain.colors, topo.colors and cm.colors, which correspond to the palettes of the same name in grDevices. If not specified, a default palette based on palettes in Tableau are used. You may also specify your own palette by using colour names listed by grDevices::colors() or through hexadecimal RGB strings.

Labelling methods such as set_fs_method_names or set_feature_names can be applied to the familiarCollection object to update labels, and order the output in the figure.


NULL or list of plot objects, if dir_path is NULL.

[Package familiar version 1.4.8 Index]