fabletools-package | fabletools: Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework |
accuracy.fbl_ts | Evaluate accuracy of a forecast or model |
accuracy.mdl_df | Evaluate accuracy of a forecast or model |
accuracy.mdl_ts | Evaluate accuracy of a forecast or model |
ACF1 | Point estimate accuracy measures |
aggregate_index | Expand a dataset to include temporal aggregates |
aggregate_key | Expand a dataset to include other levels of aggregation |
agg_vec | Create an aggregation vector |
as_dable | Coerce to a dable object |
as_dable.tbl_df | Coerce to a dable object |
as_dable.tbl_ts | Coerce to a dable object |
as_fable | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.fbl_ts | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.forecast | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.grouped_df | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.grouped_ts | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.tbl_df | Coerce to a fable object |
as_fable.tbl_ts | Coerce to a fable object |
as_mable | Coerce a dataset to a mable |
as_mable.data.frame | Coerce a dataset to a mable |
augment.mdl_df | Augment a mable |
augment.mdl_ts | Augment a mable |
autolayer.fbl_ts | Plot a set of forecasts |
autolayer.tbl_ts | Plot time series from a tsibble |
autoplot.dcmp_ts | Decomposition plots |
autoplot.fbl_ts | Plot a set of forecasts |
autoplot.tbl_ts | Plot time series from a tsibble |
bottom_up | Bottom up forecast reconciliation |
box_cox | Box Cox Transformation |
coef.mdl_df | Extract model coefficients from a mable |
coef.mdl_ts | Extract model coefficients from a mable |
combination_ensemble | Ensemble combination |
combination_model | Combination modelling |
combination_weighted | Weighted combination |
common_periods | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
common_periods.default | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
common_periods.interval | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
common_periods.tbl_ts | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
common_xregs | Common exogenous regressors |
components.mdl_df | Extract components from a fitted model |
components.mdl_ts | Extract components from a fitted model |
CRPS | Distribution accuracy measures |
dable | Create a dable object |
decomposition_model | Decomposition modelling |
directional_accuracy_measures | Directional accuracy measures |
distribution_accuracy_measures | Distribution accuracy measures |
distribution_var | Return distribution variable |
estimate | Estimate a model |
estimate.tbl_ts | Estimate a model |
fable | Create a fable object |
fabletools | fabletools: Core Tools for Packages in the 'fable' Framework |
features | Extract features from a dataset |
features_all | Extract features from a dataset |
features_at | Extract features from a dataset |
features_if | Extract features from a dataset |
feature_set | Create a feature set from tags |
fitted.mdl_df | Extract fitted values from models |
fitted.mdl_ts | Extract fitted values from models |
forecast.mdl_df | Produce forecasts |
forecast.mdl_ts | Produce forecasts |
generate.mdl_df | Generate responses from a mable |
generate.mdl_ts | Generate responses from a mable |
get_frequencies | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
get_frequencies.character | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
get_frequencies.NULL | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
get_frequencies.numeric | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
get_frequencies.Period | Extract frequencies for common seasonal periods |
glance.mdl_df | Glance a mable |
glance.mdl_ts | Glance a mable |
hfitted | Extract fitted values from models |
hypothesize.mdl_df | Run a hypothesis test from a mable |
hypothesize.mdl_ts | Run a hypothesis test from a mable |
interpolate.mdl_df | Interpolate missing values |
interpolate.mdl_ts | Interpolate missing values |
interval_accuracy_measures | Interval estimate accuracy measures |
invert_transformation | Create a new modelling transformation |
inv_box_cox | Box Cox Transformation |
is_aggregated | Is the element an aggregation of smaller data |
is_dable | Is the object a dable |
is_fable | Is the object a fable |
is_mable | Is the object a mable |
is_model | Is the object a model |
MAAPE | Mean Arctangent Absolute Percentage Error |
mable | Create a new mable |
mable_vars | Return model column variables |
MAE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
MAPE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
MASE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
MDA | Directional accuracy measures |
MDPV | Directional accuracy measures |
MDV | Directional accuracy measures |
ME | Point estimate accuracy measures |
middle_out | Middle out forecast reconciliation |
min_trace | Minimum trace forecast reconciliation |
model | Estimate models |
model.tbl_ts | Estimate models |
model_lhs | Extract the left hand side of a model |
model_rhs | Extract the right hand side of a model |
model_sum | Provide a succinct summary of a model |
MPE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
MSE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
new_model_class | Create a new class of models |
new_model_definition | Create a new class of models |
new_specials | Create evaluation environment for specials |
new_transformation | Create a new modelling transformation |
outliers | Identify outliers |
outliers.mdl_df | Identify outliers |
outliers.mdl_ts | Identify outliers |
percentile_score | Distribution accuracy measures |
pinball_loss | Interval estimate accuracy measures |
point_accuracy_measures | Point estimate accuracy measures |
quantile_score | Distribution accuracy measures |
reconcile | Forecast reconciliation |
reconcile.mdl_df | Forecast reconciliation |
refit.mdl_df | Refit a mable to a new dataset |
refit.mdl_ts | Refit a mable to a new dataset |
register_feature | Register a feature function |
report | Report information about an object |
residuals.mdl_df | Extract residuals values from models |
residuals.mdl_ts | Extract residuals values from models |
response | Extract the response variable from a model |
response_vars | Return response variables |
RMSE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
RMSSE | Point estimate accuracy measures |
scaled_pinball_loss | Interval estimate accuracy measures |
scenarios | A set of future scenarios for forecasting |
skill_score | Forecast skill score measure |
special_xreg | Helper special for producing a model matrix of exogenous regressors |
stream | Extend a fitted model with new data |
stream.mdl_df | Extend a fitted model with new data |
tidy.mdl_df | Extract model coefficients from a mable |
tidy.mdl_ts | Extract model coefficients from a mable |
top_down | Top down forecast reconciliation |
winkler_score | Interval estimate accuracy measures |