bvdist-elliptical2d {fMultivar}R Documentation

Bivariate Elliptical Densities


Density function for bivariate elliptical distributions.


delliptical2d(x, y, rho = 0, param = NULL, type = c("norm", "cauchy", "t", 
    "logistic", "laplace", "kotz", "epower"), output = c("vector", "list"))


x, y

two numeric vectors defining the x and y coordinates.


output - a character string specifying how the output should be formatted. By default a vector of the same length as u and v. If specified as "list" then u and v are expected to span a two-dimensional grid as outputted by the function grid2d and the function returns a list with elements $x, y, and z which can be directly used for example by 2D plotting functions.


additional parameters to specify the bivariate density function. Only effective for the Kotz and Exponential Power distribution. For the Kotz distribution we can specify a numeric value, by default defined as param=c(r=sqrt(2)), and for the Exponential Power distribution a numeric vector, by default defined as param=c(r=sqrt(2)),s=1/2.


the correlation parameter, a numeric value ranging between minus one and one, by default zero.


the type of the elliptical copula. A character string selected from: "norm", "cauchy", "t", "laplace", "kotz", or "epower".


returns a two column matrix of densities for the selected bivariate elliptical distribution function.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


Azzalini A., (2004); The sn Package; R Reference Guide available from

Venables W.N., Ripley B.D., (2002); Modern Applied Statistics with S, Fourth Edition, Springer.


## delliptical2d -
   # Kotz' Elliptical Density:
   x <- (-40:40)/10
   X <- grid2d(x)
   z <- delliptical2d(X$x, X$y, rho = 0.5, type = "kotz")
   Z <- list(x = x, y = x, z = matrix(z, ncol = length(x)))
## Perspective Plot:
   persp(Z, theta = -40, phi = 30, col = "steelblue")
## Image Plot with Contours:
   image(Z, main = "Bivariate Kotz")
   contour(Z, add=TRUE)
## Internal Density Slider:
   ## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

[Package fMultivar version 4031.84 Index]