fDMA {fDMA}R Documentation

Computes Dynamic Model Averaging.


The function estimates Dynamic Model Averaging (and some of its variations). The method is described in Raftery et al. (2010).





numeric or a column matrix of a dependent variable, if y is xts object, then plots will have time index on the x axis


matrix of independent variables, different columns correspond to different variables


numeric, a forgetting factor α\alpha between 0 and 1 used in probabilities estimations


numeric, a forgetting factor λ\lambda between 0 and 1 used in variance approximations


numeric, initial variance in the state space equation, i.e., the number by which the unit matrix is multiplied


optional, a method for setting the initial values of variance for the models equations, W="reg" corresponds to the method based on the linear regression as in the paper by Raftery et al. (2010), alternatively an arbitrary positive number (numeric) can be specified, by default the method of Raftery et al. (2010) is used


optional, numeric, a number of observation since which MSE (Mean Squared Error) and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) are computed, by default the whole sample is used, i.e., initial.period=1


optional, a method for the state space equation variance updating, V.meth="rec" corresponds to the recursive moment estimator, as in the paper by Raftery et al. (2010), V.meth = "ewma" corresponds to the exponentially weighted moving average as in, for example, Koop and Korobilis (2012), by default V.meth = "rec" is used


optional, numeric, a parameter in the exponentially weighted moving average, between 0 and 1, used if V.meth = "ewma"


optional, matrix of Google probabilities as in Koop and Onorante (2014), columns should correspond to columns of x


optional, numeric, a parameter between 0 and 1 used in probabilities estimations, used if gprob is specified


optional, model="dma" for Dynamic Model Averaging, model="dms" for Dynamic Model Selection, or model="med" for Median Probability Model as in Barbieri and Berger (2004), by default model="dma" is used


optional, logical, indicate whether parallel computations should be used, by default parallel=FALSE


optional, numeric, a parameter for general model prior (Mitchell and Beauchamp, 1988), by default m.prior=0.5, which corresponds to the uniform distribution, i.e., non-informative priors, see also Eicher et al. (2011)


optional, matrix indicating which models should be used for estimation, the first column indicates inclusion of a constant, by default all possible models with a constant are used, inclusion of a variable is indicated by 1, omitting by 0


optional, numeric, a threshold for Dynamic Occam's Window (Onorante and Raftery, 2016), should be a number between 0 and 1, if DOW=0, then no Dynamic Occam's Window is applied, by default DOW=0, Dynamic Occam's Window can be applied only to Dynamic Model Averaging, i.e., when model="dma"


optional, numeric, initial number of models for Dynamic Occam's Window, should be less than the number of all possible models and larger than or equal to 2, they are randomly chosen, if DOW.nmods=0, then initially models with exactly one variable are taken, by default DOW.nmods=0


optional, DOW.type="r" corresponds to DMA-R from Onorante and Raftery (2016), DOW.type="e" to DMA-E, by default DOW.type="r"


optional, numeric, maximum number of models selected by Dynamic Occam's Window, an additional limitation to the threshold given by DOW, by default no limit is set


optional, logical, applicable only if Dynamic Occam's Window is used, otherwise ignored, if progress.info=TRUE number of the current recursive DMA computation round and number of models selected for this round are printed, by default progress.info=FALSE


optional, matrix, applicable only if Dynamic Occam's Window is used, otherwise ignored, indicates models that have to be always included in the set of expanded models, similar as mods.incl, by default forced.models=NULL


optional, matrix, applicable only if Dynamic Occam's Window is used, otherwise ignored, indicates models that cannot be used in the set of expanded models, similar as mods.incl, by default forbidden.models=NULL


optional, vector, applicable only if Dynamic Occam's Window is used, otherwise ignored, indicates variables that have to be always included in models constituting the set of expanded models, similar as mods.incl, first slot indicates inclusion of constant, by default forced.variables=NULL


optional, logical, indicate whether benchmark forecast should be computed, these benchmarks are naive forecast (all forecasts are set to be the value of the last observation) and Auto Arima auto.arima, by default bm=FALSE


optional, numeric, small constant added to posterior model proabilities as in Raftery et al. (2010) to prevent potential reduction them to 0 due to the computational issues, if not specified the value computed as in Raftery et al. (2010) is taken


optional, numeric, used only if parallel=TRUE, otherwise ignored, indicates the number of cores that should not be used, by default fcores=1


optional, logical, indicates if mods.incl should be checked for duplicated entries, etc., by default mods.check=FALSE


optional, logical, indicates if outcomes should be reduced to save memory, by default red.size=FALSE


optional, av="dma" corresponds to the original DMA averaging scheme, av="mse" corresponds to averaging based on Mean Squared Error, av="hr1" corresponds to averaging based on Hit Ratio, assuming time-series are in levels, av="hr2" corresponds to averaging based on Hit Ratio, assuming time-series represent changes, by default av="dma"


It is possible to use numeric vector for lambda. Its values are automatically ordered in descending order and if numbers are not unique they are reduced to become unique. If more than one value is given for lambda, then model state space, i.e., mods.incl, is expanded by considering all these models with given values of lambda. The outcomes are then ordered by columns in a way that first outcomes from models with first value of lambda are presented, then from models with second value of lambda, etc. (Raftery et al., 2010).

If nrow(gprob)<length(y), then the method by Koop and Onorante (2014) is used for the last nrow(gprob) observations. For the preceding ones the original method by Raftery et al. (2010) is used. In such case a warning is generated.


class dma object, list of


forecasted values


posterior inclusion probabilities for independent variables


Mean Squared Error of forecast


Mean Absolute Error of forecast


models included in estimations, or models used in the last step of Dynamic Occam's Window method (if this method has been selected)


posterior probabilities of all used models, or NA if Dynamic Occam's Window method has been selected


expected number of variables (incl. constant)


expected values of regression coefficients


parameters of the estimated model


predictions from every sub-model used in estimations


y, dependent variable


Root Mean Squared Error and Mean Absolute Error of naive and auto ARIMA forecast


models initially selected to Dynamic Occam's Window, if this method has been selected


number of models used in Dynamic Model Averaging at time tt, if Dynamic Occam's Window method has been selected


predicitive densities from the last period of all sub-models used in estimations


expected values of lambda parameter


Raftery, A. E., Karny, M., Ettler, P., 2010. Online prediction under model uncertainty via Dynamic Model Averaging: Application to a cold rolling mill. Technometrics 52, 52–66.


Barbieri, M. M., Berger, J. O., 2004. Optimal predictive model selection. The Annals of Statistics 32, 870–897.

Eicher, T. S., Papageorgiou, C., Raftery, A. E., 2011. Default priors and predictive performance in Bayesian Model Averaging, with application to growth determinants. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26, 30–55.

Koop, G., Korobilis, D., 2012. Forecasting inflation using Dynamic Model Averaging. International Economic Review 53, 867–886.

Koop, G., Korobilis, D., 2018. Variational Bayes inference in high-dimensional time-varying parameter models. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.03031

Koop, G., Onorante, L., 2014. Macroeconomic nowcasting using Google probabilities. https://goo.gl/ATsBN9

Mitchell, T. J., Beauchamp, J. J., 1988. Bayesian variable selection in linear regression (with discussion). Journal of the American Statistical Association 83, 1023–1036.

Onorante, L., Raftery, A. E., 2016. Dynamic model averaging in large model spaces using dynamic Occam's window. European Economic Review 81, 2–14.

Yin, X., Peng, J., Tang, T., 2018. Improving the forecasting accuracy of crude oil prices. Sustainability 10, 454. doi: 10.3390/su10020454

See Also

grid.DMA, print.dma, summary.dma, plot.dma, hit.ratio.


wti <- crudeoil[-1,1]
drivers <- (lag(crudeoil[,-1],k=1))[-1,]
ld.wti <- (diff(log(wti)))[-1,]
ld.drivers <- (diff(log(drivers)))[-1,]

m1 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10)
m2 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,model="dms")
m3 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,V.meth="ewma",kappa=0.9)
m4 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,DOW=0.7)

# Google trends are available since 2004

gp <- trends/100
s <- ld.drivers['2004-01-01/']
m5 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti['2004-01-01/'],x=s,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,gprob=gp,omega=0.5)

# models just with one independent variable and a constant will be averaged
mds <- diag(1,ncol(ld.drivers),ncol(ld.drivers))
mds <- cbind(rep(1,ncol(ld.drivers)),mds)

m6 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,mods.incl=mds)

# models just with one independent variable (without a constant) will be averaged
mds.nc <- diag(1,ncol(ld.drivers),ncol(ld.drivers))
mds.nc <- cbind(rep(0,ncol(ld.drivers)),mds.nc)

m7 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=0.90,initvar=10,mods.incl=mds.nc)

# model with multiple lambda

m8 <- fDMA(y=ld.wti,x=ld.drivers,alpha=0.99,lambda=c(0.99,0.95,0.90),initvar=10)

[Package fDMA version 2.2.7 Index]