CopulaClass {fCopulae}R Documentation

Bivariate Copula Class


A collection and description of functions to specify the copula class and to investigate bivariate Frechet copulae.

The class representation and methods are:

fCOPULA representation for an S4 object of class "fCOPULA",
show S4 print method.

Frechet Copulae:

pfrechetCopula computes Frechet copula probability.


## S4 method for signature 'fCOPULA'

pfrechetCopula(u = 0.5, v = u, type = c("m", "pi", "w"), 
    output = c("vector", "list"))



[show] -
an S4 object of class "fCOPULA".


[*frechetCopula] -
output - a character string specifying how the output should be formatted. By default a vector of the same length as u and v. If specified as "list" then u and v are expected to span a two-dimensional grid as outputted by the function grid2d and the function returns a list with elements $x, y, and z which can be directly used for example by 2D plotting functions.


[*frechetCopula] -
the type of the Frechet copula. A character string selected from: "m", "pi", or "w".

u, v

two numeric values or vectors of the same length at which the copula will be computed. If u is a list then the the $x and $y elements will be used as u and v. If u is a two column matrix then the first column will be used as u and the the second as v.


The function pfrechetCopula returns a numeric matrix of probabilities computed at grid positions u|v. The arguments u and v are two single values or two numeric vectors of the same length. If v is not specified then the same values are taken as for u. Alternatively, u may be given as a two column vector or as a list with two entries as vectors. The first column or entry is taken as u and the second as v.


The print method show returns an S4 object of class "fCOPULA". The object contains the following slots:


the function call.


the name of the copula.


a list whose elements specify the model parameters of the copula.


a character string with the name of the copula. This can be overwritten specifying a user defined input argument.


a character string with an optional user defined description. By default just the current date will be returned.

The function pfrechetCopula returns a numeric vector of probabilities. An attribute named "control" is added which returns the name of the Frechet copula.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


## fCOPULA -
## pfrechet -
   # The Frechet Copula - m:
   pfrechetCopula(0.25, 0.75)
## grid2d - 

[Package fCopulae version 4022.85 Index]