ExtremeValueModelling {fCopulae}R Documentation

Bivariate Extreme Value Copulae


A collection and description of functions to investigate bivariate extreme value copulae.

Extreme Value Copulae Functions:

evCopulaSim simulates an extreme value copula,
evCopulaFit fits the parameters of an extreme value copula.


evCopulaSim(n, param = NULL,  type = evList())
evCopulaFit(u, v = NULL, type = evList(), ...)



[revCopula][evCopulaSim] -
the number of random deviates to be generated, an integer value.


[*ev*][A*] -
distribution and copulae parameters. A numeric value or vector of named parameters as required by the copula specified by the variable type. If set to NULL, then the default parameters will be taken.


[*ev*][Afunc] -
the type of the extreme value copula. A character string selected from: "gumbel", "galambos", "husler.reiss", "tawn", or "bb5".
[evSlider] -
a character string specifying the plot type. Either a perspective plot which is the default or a contour plot with an underlying image plot will be created.

u, v

[*evCopula][*archmCopula] -
two numeric values or vectors of the same length at which the copula will be computed. If u is a list then the the $x and $y elements will be used as u and v. If u is a two column matrix then the first column will be used as u and the the second as v.


[evCopulaFit] -
arguments passed to the optimization function nlminb.


The function pcopula returns a numeric matrix of probabilities computed at grid positions x|y.

The function parchmCopula returns a numeric matrix with values computed for the Archemedean copula.

The function darchmCopula returns a numeric matrix with values computed for thedensity of the Archemedean copula.

The functions Phi* return a numeric vector with the values computed from the Archemedean generator, its derivatives, or its inverse.

The functions cK and cKInv return a numeric vector with the values of the density and inverse for Archimedian copulae.


Diethelm Wuertz for the Rmetrics R-port.


## fCOPULA -
## revCopula -
   # Not yet implemented
   # revCopula(n = 10, type = "galambos")
## pevCopula -
   pevCopula(u = grid2d(), type = "galambos", output = "list")
## devCopula -
   devCopula(u = grid2d(), type = "galambos", output = "list")
## AfuncSlider -
   # Generator, try:
   ## Not run: AfuncSlider()

[Package fCopulae version 4022.85 Index]