Functions for Common Chart Types

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Documentation for package ‘ezplot’ version 0.7.13

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agg_data Aggregates data
area_plot area_plot
bar_plot bar_plot
calendar_plot calendar_plot
density_plot density_plot
distribution_plot distribution_plot
ez_app ez_app
ez_col Color palette interpolation
ez_jet ez_jet
ez_labels Function for formatting numeric labels
ez_png ez_png
ez_server ez_server
ez_ui ez_ui
get_incr get_incr
histogram_plot histogram_plot
ks_plot ks_plot
lift_plot lift_plot
line_plot line_plot
model_plot model_plot
nameifnot nameifnot
na_plot na_plot
not_numeric not_numeric
no_null no_null
perf perf
performance_plot performance_plot
perf_df perf_df
pie_plot pie_plot
prec_rec prec_rec
pr_plot pr_plot
quick_facet Quick facet
reorder_levels Order levels of factor columns using fct_reorder
roc roc
roc_plot roc_plot
save_png save_png
scatter_plot scatter plot
secondary_plot secondary_plot creates a plot with a secondary y-axis
side_plot side_plot
text_contrast text_contrast
theme_ez Default theme
tile_plot tile_plot
unpack_cols Unpack cols argument to agg_data
variable_plot variable_plot
waterfall_plot waterfall_plot