Avoid the Typical Working Directory Pain When Using 'knitr'

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Documentation for package ‘ezknitr’ version 0.6.3

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ezknit Knit Rmd or spin R files without the typical pain of working directories
ezknitr_core Knit Rmd or spin R files without the typical pain of working directories
ezspin Knit Rmd or spin R files without the typical pain of working directories
open_output_dir Open the directory containing the output from the last ezknitr command
setup_ezknit_test Set up a test directory to experiment with 'ezspin' or 'ezknit'
setup_ezspin_test Set up a test directory to experiment with 'ezspin' or 'ezknit'
setup_test Set up a test directory to experiment with 'ezspin' or 'ezknit'
set_default_params Set default parameters