ANT data |
ANT2 |
Messy ANT data |
ez |
Easy analysis and visualization of factorial experiments |
Compute ANOVA |
ezBoot |
Compute bootstrap resampled predictions |
ezCor |
Compute and plot an information-dense correlation matrix |
ezDesign |
Plot the balance of data in an experimental design |
ezMixed |
Compute evidence for fixed effects in an mixed effects modelling context |
ezMixedProgress |
Retrieve information saved to file by a call to ezMixed |
ezPerm |
Perform a factorial permutation test |
ezPlot |
Plot data from a factorial experiment |
ezPlot2 |
Plot bootstrap predictions and confidence intervals |
ezPrecis |
Obtain a structure summary of a given data frame |
ezPredict |
Compute predicted values from the fixed effects of a mixed effects model |
ezResample |
Resample data from a factorial experiment |
ezStats |
Compute descriptive statistics from a factorial experiment |