Easy Analysis and Visualization of Factorial Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘ez’ version 4.4-0

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ANT ANT data
ANT2 Messy ANT data
ez Easy analysis and visualization of factorial experiments
ezBoot Compute bootstrap resampled predictions
ezCor Compute and plot an information-dense correlation matrix
ezDesign Plot the balance of data in an experimental design
ezMixed Compute evidence for fixed effects in an mixed effects modelling context
ezMixedProgress Retrieve information saved to file by a call to ezMixed
ezPerm Perform a factorial permutation test
ezPlot Plot data from a factorial experiment
ezPlot2 Plot bootstrap predictions and confidence intervals
ezPrecis Obtain a structure summary of a given data frame
ezPredict Compute predicted values from the fixed effects of a mixed effects model
ezResample Resample data from a factorial experiment
ezStats Compute descriptive statistics from a factorial experiment