adjust_message_time {eyelinkReader}R Documentation

Adjusts message time based on embedded text offset


Uses text in the message to adjust its time. E.g., for a message "-50 TARGET_ONSET" that was sent at 105600 the actual onset occurred 50 milliseconds earlier (-50). The function adjusts the event timing and removes the timing offset information from the message. I.e., the example message becomes "TARGET_ONSET" and its time become 105550.


adjust_message_time(object, prefix)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
adjust_message_time(object, prefix = "^[-+]?[:digit:]+[:space:]+")

## S3 method for class 'eyelinkRecording'
adjust_message_time(object, prefix = "^[-+]?[:digit:]+[:space:]+")



An eyelinkRecording object or data.frame with events, i.e., events slot of the eyelinkRecording object.


String with a regular expression that defines the offset. Defaults to "^[-+]?[:digit:]+[:space:]+" (a string starts with a positive or negative integer offset followed by a white space and the rest of the message).


Object of the same time as input, i.e., either a eyelinkRecording object with modified events slot or a data.frame with offset-adjusted events.



# by passing events table
adjusted_events <- adjust_message_time(gaze$events)

# by passing the recording
gaze <- adjust_message_time(gaze)

[Package eyelinkReader version 1.0.1 Index]