amd2 {eyedata} | R Documentation |
Real life data of patients with neovascular AMD
A dataset containing anonymized real life human subjects data on eyes with treatment naive neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which underwent intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy with ranibizumab and/or aflibercept.
A data frame (tibble) with 40764 rows and 7 variables:
- patID
Anonymized patient identifier
- sex
Sex of patient (m = male, f = female)
- age0
Age (years) at day of first appointment
- eye
Left or right eye of patient (r = right, l = left)
- time
Time in days after date of first appointment (0 = first appointment)
- va
Visual acuity in Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study letters
- inj_no
Current number of injection at appointment date
The data was collected in Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK. (Information governance sign off Moorfields Eye Hospital 19/07/2018)
Data was accessed on the 25th May 2020
Missing values
There are two missing visual acuity entries in this data set. They result from data entry errors (ETDRS values above 100) in the original medical health records. Unfortunately, the correct VA value could not be retrieved and it was decided to assign missing values to those measurements.
See Also
Scientific article to which this data set was supplement: