blink {eye} | R Documentation |
Your data in a blink of an eye
summarizes your data tailored to the need of
ophthalmic research: It looks for VA and IOP columns and summarises those
with common statistics. In order to make it work, it requires specific
column naming - please see section "column names" and "data coding".
For more details how blink works, see vignette("eye")
blink(x, va_to = "logmar", va_cols = NULL, iop_cols = NULL, fct_level = 0:4)
x |
data frame |
va_to |
to which VA notation (passed to |
va_cols |
if specified, overruling automatic VA columns selection. tidyselection supported |
iop_cols |
if specified, overruling automatic IOP columns selection. tidyselection supported |
fct_level |
Remove columns for Summarizing when all unique values
fall into range. character or numeric vector, default |
is basically a wrapper around myop, eyes and reveal:
Duplicate rows are always removed
Column names are prepared for myopization (see myop)
VA will always be converted to logmar
object of class blink
and list
. Class blink contains the
myopized data, count of patients and eyes,
and summaries for visual acuities and intraocular pressure.
Data coding
Only common codes supported:
eyes: "r", "re", "od", "right" - or numeric coding r:l = 0:1 or 1:2
Visual acuity: "VA", "BCVA", "Acuity"
Intraocular pressure: "IOP", "GAT", "NCT", "pressure"
Column name rules
No spaces!
Do not use numeric coding for eyes in column names
Separate eye and VA and IOP codes with underscores ("bcva_l_preop", "VA_r", "left_va", "IOP_re")
Avoid separate VA or IOP codes if this is not actually containing VA/ IOP data (e.g. "stableVA" instead of "stable_va", ChangeIOP instead of "change_IOP")
Keep names short
Don't use underscores when you don't have to. Consider each section divided by an underscore as a relevant characteristic of your variable. ("preop" instead of "pre_op", "VA" instead of "VA_ETDRS_Letters")
Use common codes for your patient column (see eyes, section Guessing) (e.g., "pat", "patient" or "ID", ideally both: "patientID" or "patID")
Don't be too creative with your names!
Names examples
Good names:
-c("patid", "surgery_right", "iop_r_preop", "va_r_preop", "iop_r", "iop_l")
OK names
-c("Id", "Eye", "BaselineAge", "VA_ETDRS_Letters", "InjectionNumber")
Names are long and there are two unnecessary underscore in the VA column.
Better just "VA"
-c("id", "r", "l")
: All names are commonly used (good!),
but which dimension of "r"/"l" are we exactly looking at?
Bad names (eye
will fail)
c("id", "iopr", "iopl", "VAr", "VAl")
won't be able to recognize IOP and VA columns -
c("id", "iop_r", "iop_l", "stable_iop_r", "stable_iop_l")
may wrongly identify the (probably logical) columns "stable_iop" as columns containing IOP data. Better maybe: "stableIOP_l" -
c("person", "goldmann", "vision")
will not recognize that at all
tidy data
blink and myop work more reliably with clean data (any package will, really!). clean data.
column removal
Done with remCols: Removes columns that only contain values defined in fct_levels or logicals from selected columns (currently for both automatically and manually selected columns). fct_levels are removed because they are likely categorical codes.
See Also
How to rename your columns (two threads on
messy_df <- data.frame( id = letters[1:3],
iop_r_preop = sample(21:23), iop_r_postop = sample(11:13),
iop_l_postop = sample(11:13), iop_l_preop = sample(31:33),
va_r_preop = sample(41:43), va_l_preop = sample(41:43),
va_r_postop = sample(51:53), va_l_postop = sample(45:47)