bkd |
Get block diagonal matrix |
bkdiag |
Diagonalize blocks of a block matrix |
bkoffd |
Get block off-diagonal matrix |
bkt |
Block transpose matrix |
bktt |
Block transpose matrix with transposed blocks |
csums |
Sum matrix columns and assign name to resulting row |
diagcs |
Diagonalize the sums of columns of a matrix |
dmult |
Multiply a diagonal matrix by another matrix |
get_data |
Get data from different exvatools objects |
get_exvadec_bkdown |
Get a summary decomposition of value added in exports |
get_geo_codes |
Get the ISO3 codes of standard country groups |
get_sec_codes |
Get the ISO3 codes of standard sector groups |
get_va_exgr |
Detailed origin and destination of value added in gross exports |
get_va_exgry |
Detailed origin and final absorption of value added in gross exports |
get_va_fd |
Value added induced by final demand |
get_xmatrix |
Get extraction matrix. |
hmult |
Hadamard product of matrices |
iciotest_data |
ICIO-type input-output table example data |
info_geo |
Show available countries and country groups in a specific Input-Output table |
info_sec |
Show available sectors and sector groups included in a specific Input-Output table |
make_custom_wio |
Make standard world input-output matrices from custom data |
make_exvadec |
Decomposition of value added in exports using different methodologies |
make_exvadir |
Direction (detailed origin and destination) of value added in exports |
make_wio |
Make standard world input-output matrices from source files |
meld |
Meld ICIO-type matrix (consolidating China and Mexico sub-components) |
multd |
Multiply a matrix by a diagonal matrix |
print.exvadec |
Print method for 'exvadec' class |
print.exvadir |
Print method for 'exvadir' class |
print.wio |
Print method for 'wio' class |
rsums |
Sum matrix rows and assign name to resulting column |
set_zero |
Set to zero specific rows and columns of a matrix |
sumgcols |
Sum groups of columns of a matrix and name the resulting columns |
sumgrows |
Sum groups of rows of a matrix and name the resulting rows |
summary.exvadec |
Summary method for 'exvadec' class |
summary.exvadir |
Summary method for 'exvadir' class |
summary.wio |
Summary method for 'wio' class |
sumncol |
Sum every nth column of a matrix and name the resulting columns |
sumnrow |
Sum every nth row of a matrix and name the resulting rows |
wiodtest_data |
WIOD-type input-output table example data |