A C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X misc
add_columns | Add columns to data.frame. |
add_labelled_class | Set or get variable label |
add_rows | Add rows to data.frame/matrix/table |
add_rows.data.frame | Add rows to data.frame/matrix/table |
add_sig_labels | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
add_val_lab | Set or get value labels |
add_val_lab<- | Set or get value labels |
all_in_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
all_in_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
and | Criteria functions |
any_in_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
any_in_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
apply_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
apply_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
apply_dictionary | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
apply_labels | Set variable labels/value labels on variables in the data.frame |
apply_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
apply_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
as.category | Convert dichotomy data.frame/matrix to data.frame with category encoding |
as.criterion | Criteria functions |
as.datatable_widget | Create an HTML table widget for usage with Shiny |
as.datatable_widget.etable | Create an HTML table widget for usage with Shiny |
as.datatable_widget.with_caption | Create an HTML table widget for usage with Shiny |
as.dichotomy | Convert variable (possibly multiple choice question) to data.frame/matrix of dummy variables. |
as.etable | Convert data.frame/matrix to object of class 'etable' |
as.labelled | Recode vector into numeric vector with value labels |
as.sheet | Make data.frame without conversion to factors and without fixing names |
as_hux.etable | Convert table to huxtable |
as_huxtable.etable | Convert table to huxtable |
as_is | Repeats the same transformations on a specified set of variables/values |
autonum | Set or get value labels |
calc | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
calculate | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
calc_cro | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
calc_cro_cases | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
calc_cro_cpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
calc_cro_cpct_responses | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
calc_cro_fun | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_fun_df | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_mean | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_mean_sd_n | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_median | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_pearson | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_rpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
calc_cro_spearman | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_sum | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
calc_cro_tpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cell_chisq | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
combine_functions | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
compare_means | Calculate significance (p-values) of differences between proportions/means |
compare_proportions | Calculate significance (p-values) of differences between proportions/means |
compute | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
contains | Criteria functions |
copy | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
count_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
count_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
count_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
create_dictionary | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
criteria | Criteria functions |
cro | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cross_cases | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cross_cpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cross_cpct_responses | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cross_fun | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_fun_df | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_mean | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_mean_sd_n | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_median | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_pearson | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_rpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cross_spearman | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_sum | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cross_tpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cro_cases | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cro_cpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cro_cpct_responses | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cro_fun | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_fun_df | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_mean | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_mean_sd_n | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_median | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_pearson | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_rpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
cro_spearman | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_sum | Cross-tabulation with custom summary function. |
cro_tpct | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
do_if | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
do_repeat | Repeats the same transformations on a specified set of variables/values |
drop_all_labels | Drop variable label and value labels |
drop_c | Drop empty (with all NA's) rows/columns from data.frame/table |
drop_empty_columns | Drop empty (with all NA's) rows/columns from data.frame/table |
drop_empty_rows | Drop empty (with all NA's) rows/columns from data.frame/table |
drop_r | Drop empty (with all NA's) rows/columns from data.frame/table |
drop_rc | Drop empty (with all NA's) rows/columns from data.frame/table |
drop_unused_labels | Set or get value labels |
drop_val_labs | Set or get value labels |
drop_var_labs | Set or get variable label |
dummy | Convert variable (possibly multiple choice question) to data.frame/matrix of dummy variables. |
dummy1 | Convert variable (possibly multiple choice question) to data.frame/matrix of dummy variables. |
eq | Criteria functions |
equals | Criteria functions |
except | Keep or drop elements by name/criteria in data.frame/matrix |
expss | expss: Tables with Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and SPSS Statistics |
expss.options | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_digits | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_disable_value_labels_support | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_enable_value_labels_support | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_enable_value_labels_support_extreme | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_fix_encoding_off | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_fix_encoding_on | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_fre_stat_lab | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_commented | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_default | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_huxtable | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_raw | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_rnotebook | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_output_viewer | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
expss_round_half_to_even | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
fctr | Convert labelled variable to factor |
fixed | Criteria functions |
fre | Simple frequencies with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
from | Criteria functions |
from_to | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
ge | Criteria functions |
get_caption | Add caption to the table |
get_expss_digits | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
get_expss_rounding | Options for controlling behavior of the package |
greater | Criteria functions |
greater_or_equal | Criteria functions |
gt | Criteria functions |
gte | Criteria functions |
has | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
has_label | Criteria functions |
hi | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
hide | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
htmlTable.etable | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
htmlTable.list | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
htmlTable.with_caption | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
ifs | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
if_na | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
if_na<- | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
if_val | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
if_val<- | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
index_col | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
index_row | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
indirect | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
indirect_list | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
info | Provides variables description for dataset |
is.category | Convert dichotomy data.frame/matrix to data.frame with category encoding |
is.criterion | Criteria functions |
is.dichotomy | Convert variable (possibly multiple choice question) to data.frame/matrix of dummy variables. |
is.etable | Convert data.frame/matrix to object of class 'etable' |
is.labelled | Recode vector into numeric vector with value labels |
is.with_caption | Add caption to the table |
is_max | Criteria functions |
is_min | Criteria functions |
is_na | Criteria functions |
items | Criteria functions |
keep | Keep or drop elements by name/criteria in data.frame/matrix |
knit_print.etable | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
knit_print.with_caption | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
lab_num | Set or get value labels |
le | Criteria functions |
less | Criteria functions |
less_or_equal | Criteria functions |
like | Criteria functions |
lo | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
lt | Criteria functions |
lte | Criteria functions |
make_labels | Set or get value labels |
make_subheadings | Split character vector to matrix/split columns in data.frame |
match_col | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
match_row | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
max_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
max_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
max_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
max_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
max_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
mdset | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mdset_f | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mdset_p | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mdset_t | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mean_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
mean_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
mean_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
mean_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
mean_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
median_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
median_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
median_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
median_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
median_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
merge.etable | Merge two tables/data.frames |
min_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
min_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
min_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
min_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
min_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
mis_val | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
mis_val<- | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
modify | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
modify_if | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
mrset | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mrset_f | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mrset_p | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
mrset_t | Create multiple response set/multiple dichotomy set from variables |
n2l | Replace data.frame/list names with corresponding variables labels. |
names2labels | Replace data.frame/list names with corresponding variables labels. |
name_dots | Bug workaround |
na_if | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
na_if<- | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
ne | Criteria functions |
neq | Criteria functions |
nest | Compute nested variable(-s) from several variables |
net | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
not | Criteria functions |
not_equals | Criteria functions |
not_na | Criteria functions |
num_lab | Set or get value labels |
n_diff | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
n_intersect | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
old_read_labelled_csv | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
old_write_labelled_csv | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
or | Criteria functions |
other | Criteria functions |
perl | Criteria functions |
prepend_all | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
prepend_names | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
prepend_values | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
product_test | Data from product test of chocolate confectionary |
prop | Compute proportions from numeric vector/matrix/data.frame |
prop_col | Compute proportions from numeric vector/matrix/data.frame |
prop_row | Compute proportions from numeric vector/matrix/data.frame |
qc | Create vector of characters from unquoted strings (variable names) |
qe | Create vector of characters from unquoted strings (variable names) |
read_labelled_csv | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_labelled_csv2 | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_labelled_fst | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_labelled_tab | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_labelled_tab2 | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_labelled_xlsx | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
read_spss | Read an SPSS Data File |
read_spss_to_list | Read an SPSS Data File |
rec | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
rec<- | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
recode | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
recode<- | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
regex | Criteria functions |
repr_html.etable | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
repr_html.with_caption | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
repr_text.etable | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
repr_text.with_caption | Outputting HTML tables in RStudio viewer/R Notebooks |
sd_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
sd_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
sd_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
sd_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
sd_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
set_caption | Add caption to the table |
set_val_lab | Set or get value labels |
set_var_lab | Set or get variable label |
sheet | Make data.frame without conversion to factors and without fixing names |
significance | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
significance_cases | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
significance_cell_chisq | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
significance_cpct | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
significance_means | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
sort_asc | Sort data.frames/matrices/vectors |
sort_desc | Sort data.frames/matrices/vectors |
split_by | Splits data.frame into list of data.frames that can be analyzed separately |
split_columns | Split character vector to matrix/split columns in data.frame |
split_labels | Split character vector to matrix/split columns in data.frame |
split_off | Splits data.frame into list of data.frames that can be analyzed separately |
split_table_to_df | Split character vector to matrix/split columns in data.frame |
subtotal | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
sum_col | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
sum_col_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
sum_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
sum_row | Compute sum/mean/sd/median/max/min/custom function on rows/columns |
sum_row_if | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
tables | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_caption | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_cells | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_cols | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_last_add_sig_labels | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_hstack | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_last_round | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_sig_cases | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_sig_cell_chisq | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_sig_cpct | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_sig_means | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_last_vstack | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_mis_val | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_net_cells | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_net_cols | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_net_rows | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_pivot | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_prepend_all | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
tab_prepend_names | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
tab_prepend_values | Prepend values/variable names to value/variable labels |
tab_rows | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_row_label | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_significance_options | Mark significant differences between columns in the table |
tab_sort_asc | Partially (inside blocks) sort tables/data.frames |
tab_sort_desc | Partially (inside blocks) sort tables/data.frames |
tab_stat_cases | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_cpct | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_cpct_responses | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_fun | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_fun_df | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_max | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_mean | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_mean_sd_n | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_median | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_min | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_rpct | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_sd | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_se | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_sum | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_tpct | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_unweighted_valid_n | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_stat_valid_n | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_subgroup | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_subtotal_cells | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_subtotal_cols | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_subtotal_rows | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
tab_total_label | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_total_row_position | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_total_statistic | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_transpose | Functions for custom tables construction |
tab_weight | Functions for custom tables construction |
text_to_columns | Make data.frame from text |
text_to_columns_csv | Make data.frame from text |
text_to_columns_csv2 | Make data.frame from text |
text_to_columns_tab | Make data.frame from text |
text_to_columns_tab2 | Make data.frame from text |
thru | Criteria functions |
to | Criteria functions |
total | Cross tabulation with support of labels, weights and multiple response variables. |
unhide | Add subtotal to a set of categories |
unlab | Drop variable label and value labels |
unvl | Set or get value labels |
unvr | Set or get variable label |
unweighted_valid_n | Compute various weighted statistics |
use_labels | Modify data.frame/modify subset of the data.frame |
v2l | Replace vector/matrix/data.frame/list values with corresponding value labels. |
valid | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
valid_n | Compute various weighted statistics |
values2labels | Replace vector/matrix/data.frame/list values with corresponding value labels. |
value_col_if | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
value_row_if | Match finds value in rows or columns/index returns value by index from rows or columns |
val_lab | Set or get value labels |
val_lab<- | Set or get value labels |
vars | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
vars_list | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
var_lab | Set or get variable label |
var_lab<- | Set or get variable label |
vectors | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
v_diff | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
v_intersect | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
v_union | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
v_xor | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
weight_by | Create dataset according to its frequency weights |
when | Criteria functions |
where | Subset (filter) data.frames/matrices/vectors/lists |
window_fun | Function over grouping variables (window function) |
write_labelled_csv | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_csv2 | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_fst | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_spss | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_tab | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_tab2 | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labelled_xlsx | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labels | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
write_labels_spss | Write labelled data to file or export file to SPSS syntax. |
w_cor | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_cov | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_mad | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_max | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_mean | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_median | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_min | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_n | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_pearson | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_sd | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_se | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_spearman | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_sum | Compute various weighted statistics |
w_var | Compute various weighted statistics |
xl_write | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
xl_write.default | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
xl_write.etable | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
xl_write.list | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
xl_write.with_caption | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
xl_write_file | Write tables and other objects to an xlsx file with formatting |
%a% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%col_in% | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
%d% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%e% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%has% | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
%i% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%if_na% | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
%into% | Change, rearrange or consolidate the values of an existing or new variable. Inspired by the RECODE command from SPSS. |
%mis_val% | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
%na_if% | Replace values with NA and vice-versa |
%nest% | Compute nested variable(-s) from several variables |
%n_d% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%n_i% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%r% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
%row_in% | Count/sum/average/other functions on values that meet a criterion |
%thru% | Criteria functions |
%to% | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
%to_list% | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
%u% | Infix operations on vectors - append, diff, intersection, union, replication |
.. | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
..f | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
..p | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |
..t | Get variables/range of variables by name/by pattern. |