expsmooth-package | Data sets for "Forecasting with exponential smoothing" |
ausgdp | Quarterly Australian GDP |
bonds | Monthly US government bond yields |
cangas | Monthly Canadian gas production |
carparts | Monthly sales car parts |
dji | Monthly Dow Jones Index |
djiclose | Monthly Dow Jones Index: closing |
enplanements | Monthly US domestic enplanements |
expsmooth | Data sets for "Forecasting with exponential smoothing" |
fmsales | Weekly FM sales |
freight | Annual US new freight cars |
frexport | Quarterly French exports |
gasprice | US gasoline prices |
hospital | Monthly patient count |
jewelry | Weekly jewelry sales |
mcopper | Monthly copper prices |
msales | Monthly product sales |
partx | Monthly sales of an automobile part |
ukcars | Quarterly UK passenger car production |
unemp.cci | Unemployment and the CCI |
usgdp | Quarterly US GDP |
usnetelec | Annual US net electricity generation |
utility | Hourly utility demand |
vehicles | Hourly vehicle counts |
visitors | Monthly Australian overseas vistors |
xrates | Monthly exchange rates |