expperm-package {expperm}R Documentation

Computing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for Permutations


A set of functions for computing expected permutation matrices given a matrix of likelihoods for each individual assignment. It has been written to accompany the forthcoming paper 'Computing expectations and marginal likelihoods for permutations'. Publication details will be updated as soon as they are finalized.



Package: expperm
Type: Package
Title: Computing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods for Permutations
Version: 1.6
Date: 2019-05-23
Author: Ben Powell
Maintainer: Ben Powell <ben.powell@york.ac.uk>
Description: A set of functions for computing expected permutation matrices given a matrix of likelihoods for each individual assignment. It has been written to accompany the forthcoming paper 'Computing expectations and marginal likelihoods for permutations'. Publication details will be updated as soon as they are finalized.
License: GPL-3
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
Imports: Rcpp (>= 1.0.1)
LinkingTo: Rcpp
LazyData: true
RoxygenNote: 6.1.1
Suggests: testthat

Index of help topics:

A                       A small random matrix
BG                      The Brualdi-Gibson method for computing an
                        expected permutation matrix
BG_cpp                  The Brualdi-Gibson method for computing an
                        expected permutation matrix using C++
brute                   Brute-force calculation of an expected
                        permutation matrix
brute_cpp               Brute-force calculation of an expected
                        permutation matrix using C++
df1                     A small data frame of simulated records
df2                     A (second) small data frame of simulated
expperm-package         Computing Expectations and Marginal Likelihoods
                        for Permutations
is.tridiagonal          Checking a matrix is tridiagonal
ryser                   The Ryser method for computing an expected
                        permutation matrix
ryser_cpp               The Ryser method for computing an expected
                        permutation matrix using C++
sink                    A variational approximation of an expected
                        permutation matrix
sink_cpp                A variational approximation of an expected
                        permutation matrix using C++
triA                    A small random tridiagonal matrix

The package serves primarily to demonstrate the algorithms described in the accompanying paper, which is currently under review.

We include versions, which are as similar as reasonably possible, of algorithms written in both R and C++. The R code is intended to facilitate testing, modification and re-use of the code while the C++ code is intended to implement the algorithms most efficiently for application to real problems.


Ben Powell

Maintainer: Ben Powell <ben.powell@york.ac.uk>


Powell B., Smith P.A. (2019). "Computing expectations and marginal likelihoods for permutations." (In Submission).

[Package expperm version 1.6 Index]