Matrix Exponential, Log, 'etc'

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Documentation for package ‘expm’ version 0.999-9

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%^% Matrix Power
balance Balance a Square Matrix via LAPACK's DGEBAL
dgebal Balance a Square Matrix via LAPACK's DGEBAL
expAtv Compute Matrix Exponential exp(A t) * v directly
expm Matrix Exponential
expm.Higham08 Matrix Exponential [Higham 2008]
expmCond Exponential Condition Number of a Matrix
expmFrechet Frechet Derivative of the Matrix Exponential
expmv Compute Matrix Exponential exp(A t) * v directly
logm Matrix Logarithm
matpow Matrix Power
matStig Stig's "infamous" Example Matrix
mexp Matrix Exponential
sqrtm Matrix Square Root