cohen_d_from_cohen_textbook | Cohen's d from Jacob Cohen's textbook (1988) |
compare_groups | Compare groups |
desc_stats | Descriptive statistics |
desc_stats_by_group | Descriptive statistics by group |
exploratory | Launch the exploratory analysis tool |
histogram | Histogram |
histogram_by_group | Histogram by group |
id_across_datasets | ID across datasets |
kurtosis | Kurtosis |
mann_whitney | Mann-Whitney U Test (Also called Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test) |
mediation_analysis | Mediation analysis |
merge_data_tables | Merge data tables |
merge_data_table_list | Merge a list of data tables |
multiple_regression | Summarize multiple regression results in a data.table |
order_rows_specifically_in_dt | Order rows specifically in a data table |
prep | Prepare package(s) for use |
pretty_round_p_value | Pretty round p-value |
read_csv | Read a csv file |
scatterplot | Scatterplot |
se_of_mean | Standard error of the mean |
skewness | Skewness |
tabulate_vector | Tabulate vector |
theme_kim | Theme Kim |
t_test_pairwise | t test, pairwise |
update_exploratory | Update the package 'exploratory' |
wilcoxon_rank_sum_test | Wilcoxon Rank-Sum Test (Also called the Mann-Whitney U Test) |