excursions.inla {excursions}R Documentation

Excursion sets and contour credible regions for latent Gaussian models


Excursion sets and contour credible regions for latent Gaussian models calculated using the INLA method.


  name = NULL,
  tag = NULL,
  ind = NULL,
  alpha = 1,
  u.link = FALSE,
  n.iter = 10000,
  verbose = 0,
  max.threads = 0,
  compressed = TRUE,
  seed = NULL



Result object from INLA call.


The stack object used in the INLA call.


The name of the component for which to do the calculation. This argument should only be used if a stack object is not provided, use the tag argument otherwise.


The tag of the component in the stack for which to do the calculation. This argument should only be used if a stack object is provided, use the name argument otherwise.


If only a part of a component should be used in the calculations, this argument specifies the indices for that part.


Method for handeling the latent Gaussian structure:


Empirical Bayes


Quantile correction


Numerical integration


Numerical integration with quantile correction


Improved integration with quantile correction


Error probability for the excursion set of interest. The default value is 1.


Error probability for when to stop the calculation of the excursion function. The default value is alpha, and the value cannot be smaller than alpha. A smaller value of F.limit results in a smaller computation time.


Excursion or contour level.


If u.link is TRUE, u is assumed to be in the scale of the data and is then transformed to the scale of the linear predictor (default FALSE).


Type of region:


positive excursions


negative excursions


contour avoiding function


contour credibility function


Number or iterations in the MC sampler that is used for approximating probabilities. The default value is 10000.


Set to TRUE for verbose mode (optional).


Decides the number of threads the program can use. Set to 0 for using the maximum number of threads allowed by the system (default).


If INLA is run in compressed mode and a part of the linear predictor is to be used, then only add the relevant part. Otherwise the entire linear predictor is added internally (default TRUE).


Random seed (optional).


The different methods for handling the latent Gaussian structure are listed in order of accuracy and computational cost. The EB method is the simplest and is based on a Gaussian approximation of the posterior of the quantity of interest. The QC method uses the same Gaussian approximation but improves the accuracy by modifying the limits in the integrals that are computed in order to find the region. The other three methods are intended for Bayesian models where the posterior distribution for the quantity of interest is obtained by integrating over the parameters in the model. The NI method approximates this integration in the same way as is done in INLA, and the NIQC and iNIQC methods combine this apprximation with the QC method for improved accuracy.

If the main purpose of the analysis is to construct excursion or contour sets for low values of alpha, we recommend using QC for problems with Gaussian likelihoods and NIQC for problems with non-Gaussian likelihoods. The reason for this is that the more accurate methods also have higher computational costs.


excursions.inla returns an object of class "excurobj" with the following elements


Excursion set, contour credible region, or contour avoiding set


The excursion function corresponding to the set E calculated for values up to F.limit


Contour map set. G=1G=1 for all nodes where the mu>umu > u.


Contour avoiding set. M=1M=-1 for all non-significant nodes. M=0M=0 for nodes where the process is significantly below u and M=1M=1 for all nodes where the field is significantly above u. Which values that should be present depends on what type of set that is calculated.


Marginal excursion probabilities


Posterior mean


Marginal variances


A list containing various information about the calculation.


This function requires the INLA package, which is not a CRAN package. See https://www.r-inla.org/download-install for easy installation instructions.


David Bolin davidbolin@gmail.com and Finn Lindgren finn.lindgren@gmail.com


Bolin, D. and Lindgren, F. (2015) Excursion and contour uncertainty regions for latent Gaussian models, JRSS-series B, vol 77, no 1, pp 85-106.

Bolin, D. and Lindgren, F. (2018), Calculating Probabilistic Excursion Sets and Related Quantities Using excursions, Journal of Statistical Software, vol 86, no 1, pp 1-20.

See Also

excursions, excursions.mc


## In this example, we calculate the excursion function
## for a partially observed AR process.
## Not run: 
if (require.nowarnings("INLA")) {
  ## Sample the process:
  rho <- 0.9
  tau <- 15
  tau.e <- 1
  n <- 100
  x <- 1:n
  mu <- 10 * ((x < n / 2) * (x - n / 2) + (x >= n / 2) * (n / 2 - x) + n / 4) / n
  Q <- tau * sparseMatrix(
    i = c(1:n, 2:n), j = c(1:n, 1:(n - 1)),
    x = c(1, rep(1 + rho^2, n - 2), 1, rep(-rho, n - 1)),
    dims = c(n, n), symmetric = TRUE
  X <- mu + solve(chol(Q), rnorm(n))

  ## measure the sampled process at n.obs random locations
  ## under Gaussian measurement noise.
  n.obs <- 50
  obs.loc <- sample(1:n, n.obs)
  A <- sparseMatrix(
    i = 1:n.obs, j = obs.loc, x = rep(1, n.obs),
    dims = c(n.obs, n)
  Y <- as.vector(A %*% X + rnorm(n.obs) / sqrt(tau.e))

  ## Estimate the parameters using INLA
  ef <- list(c(list(ar = x), list(cov = mu)))
  s.obs <- inla.stack(data = list(y = Y), A = list(A), effects = ef, tag = "obs")
  s.pre <- inla.stack(data = list(y = NA), A = list(1), effects = ef, tag = "pred")
  stack <- inla.stack(s.obs, s.pre)
  formula <- y ~ -1 + cov + f(ar, model = "ar1")
  result <- inla(
    formula = formula, family = "normal", data = inla.stack.data(stack),
    control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(stack), compute = TRUE),
    control.compute = list(
      config = TRUE,
      return.marginals.predictor = TRUE

  ## calculate the level 0 positive excursion function
  res.qc <- excursions.inla(result,
    stack = stack, tag = "pred", alpha = 0.99, u = 0,
    method = "QC", type = ">", max.threads = 2
  ## plot the excursion function and marginal probabilities
    type = "l",
    main = "marginal probabilities (black) and excursion function (red)"
  lines(res.qc$F, col = 2)

## End(Not run)

[Package excursions version 2.5.8 Index]