proptests {exams.forge}R Documentation

Proportion Tests


proptests runs a bunch of modifications of the input parameters of proptest to generate all possible proportion tests. See under "Details" the detailed parameter values which are used. Note that not giving the parameter hyperloop will results in several hundred tests generated. Only the distinct tests will be returned, with the first element being proptest. If only a specific element of a proptests is of interest, provide the name of the element in elem. All proptests will then be returned where the value of elem is different.


proptests(proptest, elem = NULL, hyperloop = NULL)



proptest: the base result from a valid t-test generated by proptest_num()


character: element to extract (default: NULL)


named list: parameter values to run over (default: see above)


The default hyperloop is:

list(x           = c(proptest$x, proptest$n-proptest$x)
     pi0         = c(proptest$pi0, 1-proptest$pi0, proptest$x/proptest$n, 1-proptest$x/proptest$n)
     alpha       = unique(c(proptest$alpha, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1)),
     alternative = c("two.sided", "greater", "less")


list of proptest objects is returned


basetest  <- proptest_num(x=3, n=8, alternative="greater")
# vary the number of observations
hyperloop <- list(pi0 = c(basetest$pi0, 1-basetest$pi0, 
                          basetest$x/basetest$n, 1-basetest$x/basetest$n))
# return all different tests
tts       <- proptests(basetest, hyperloop=hyperloop)
# return all different random sampling functions
proptests(basetest, "X", hyperloop)

[Package exams.forge version 1.0.10 Index]