Evidential Regression

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Documentation for package ‘evreg’ version 1.0.4

Help Pages

evreg-package evreg: A package for evidential regression
Bel Degree of belief of interval for a Gaussian random fuzzy number
Belint Finds a belief interval centered on mu for a Gaussian random fuzzy number
combination_GRFN Combination of Gaussian random fuzzy numbers
ENNreg Training the ENNreg model
ENNreg_cv Hyperparameter tuning for the ENNreg model using cross-validation
ENNreg_holdout Hyperparameter tuning for the ENNreg model using the hold-out method
ENNreg_init Parameter initialization for the ENNreg model
evreg evreg: A package for evidential regression
intervals Computation of prediction intervals from a trained ENNreg model
Pl Degree of plausibility of interval for a Gaussian random fuzzy number
pl_contour Contour function of a Gaussian random fuzzy number
predict.ENNreg Prediction method for the ENNreg model