gev {evir}R Documentation

Fit Generalized Extreme Value Distribution


Fits generalized extreme value distribution (GEV) to block maxima data.


gev(data, block = NA, ...)



data vector. Interpretation depends on value of block: if no block size is specified then data are interpreted as block maxima; if block size is set, then data are interpreted as raw data and block maxima are calculated.


the block size. A numeric value is interpreted as the number of data values in each successive block. All the data is used, so the last block may not contain block observations. If the data has a times attribute containing (in an object of class "POSIXct", or an object that can be converted to that class; see as.POSIXct) the times/dates of each observation, then block may instead take the character values "month", "quarter", "semester" or "year".


arguments passed to optim


An object of class gev describing the fit and including parameter estimates and standard errors. Fitting is carried out using maximum likelihood.

See Also

plot.gev, gumbel, optim, as.POSIXct


# Fit GEV to monthly maxima
out <- gev(bmw, "month") 
# Fit GEV to maxima of blocks of 100 observations
out <- gev(bmw, 100) 
# Fit GEV to the data in nidd.annual, the annual maximum water 
# levels of the River Nidd, using the "BFGS" optimization method
out <- gev(nidd.annual, method = "BFGS", control = list(maxit = 500))   

[Package evir version 1.7-4 Index]