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Replication data for Hultman, Kathman, and Shannon (2013) United Nations Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection in Civil War
A reduced replication data set from Hultman et al. (2013) United Nations Peacekeeping and Civilian Protection in Civil War. Used to reproduce the the results from Randahl and Vegelius (2023). Note, to reproduce any other results from Hultman et al. (2013) please download the original replication dataset using the link under source.
A tibble with 3746 rows and 12 columns:
- conflict_id
The Uppsala Conflict Data Programme conflict ID for the conflict
- osvAll
The number of observed fatalities from one-sided violence against civilian in the specified conflict-month
- troopLag
The number of UN military troops in thousands of troops (lagged)
- policeLag
The number of UN police in thousands of troops (lagged)
- militaryobserversLag
The number of UN military troops in thousands of troops (lagged)
- epduration
The number of months the current conflict-episode has been ongoing
- lntpop
The natural logarithm of the population of the country in which the conflict takes place
- lnbrv_AllLag
The natural logarithm of the total number of battle related deaths in the conflict in the previous month
- osvAllLagDum
A dummy variable taking the value 1 if any one-sided violence against civilians took place in the previous conflict month
- incomp
A dummy variable taking the value 1 if the conflict is about government and 0 otherwise
- lntroopLag
The log1p logarithm of troopLag
- lnepdur
The log1p logarithm of the episode duration
Hultman L, Kathman J, Shannon M (2013).
“United Nations peacekeeping and civilian protection in civil war.”
American Journal of Political Science, 57(4), 875–891.
Randahl D, Vegelius J (2023).
“Inference with Extremes: Accounting for Extreme Values in Count Regression Models.”
International Studies Quarterly, x(x), x.