event {event}R Documentation

Event History Analysis Library


autointensity Plot Autointensity Function of a Point Process

bp Create a Vector of Cumulative Numbers of Previous Events for a Point Process

coxre Cox Proportional Hazards Model with Random Effect

cprocess Counting Process Plot

ehr Fit an Intensity Function to Event Histories

hboxcox Log Hazard Function for a Box-Cox Process

hburr Log Hazard Function for a Burr Process

hcauchy Log Hazard Function for a Cauchy Process

hexp Log Hazard Function for an Exponential (Poisson) Process

hgamma Log Hazard Function for a Gamma Process

hgextval Log Hazard Function for an Extreme Value Process

hggamma Log Hazard Function for a Generalized Gamma Process

hglogis Log Hazard Function for a Generalized Logistic Process

hgweibull Log Hazard Function for a Generalized Weibull Process

hhjorth Log Hazard Function for a Hjorth Process

hinvgauss Log Hazard Function for a Inverse Gauss Process

hlaplace Log Hazard Function for a Laplace Process

hlnorm Log Hazard Function for a Log Normal Process

hlogis Log Hazard Function for a Logistic Process

hnorm Log Hazard Function for a Normal Process

hpareto Log Hazard Function for a Pareto Process

hskewlaplace Log Hazard Function for a Skew Laplace Process

hstudent Log Hazard Function for a Student Process

hweibull Log Hazard Function for a Weibull Process

ident Create an Individual Identification Vector for a Point Process

kalsurv Generalized Repeated Measurements Models for Event Histories

km Kaplan-Meier Survival Curves

pbirth Fit Overdispersed Count Data as a Birth Process

pp Create a Point Process Vector from Times between Events

read.list Read a List of Matrices of Unbalanced Repeated Measurements from a File

read.surv Read a List of Vectors of Event Histories from a File

tccov Create a Vector of Time-constant Covariates for a Point Process

tpast Create a Vector of Times Past since Previous Events for a Point Process

ttime Create a Vector of Total Time Elapsed for each Individual for a Point Process

tvcov Create a Vector of Time-varying Covariates for a Point Process

[Package event version 1.1.1 Index]