prior {evdbayes}R Documentation

Construction of Prior Distributions


Constructing prior distibutions for the location, scale and shape parameters using normal, beta or gamma distributions. A linear trend for the location can also be specified, using a prior normal distribution centered at zero for the trend parameter.


prior.prob(quant, alpha, trendsd = 0)
prior.quant(prob = 10^-(1:3), shape, scale, trendsd = 0)
prior.norm(mean, cov, trendsd = 0)
prior.loglognorm(mean, cov, trendsd = 0)


quant, alpha

Numeric vectors of length three and four respectively. Beta prior distibutions are placed on probability ratios corresponding to the quantiles given in quant.

prob, shape, scale

Numeric vectors of length three. Gamma prior distibutions, with parameters shape and scale, are placed on quantile differences corresponding to the probabilities given in prob.

mean, cov

The prior distibution for the location, log(scale) and shape is taken to be trivariate normal, with mean mean (a numeric vector of length three) and covariance matrix cov (a symmetric positive definite three by three matrix).


The standard deviation for the marginal normal prior distribution (with mean zero) placed on the linear trend parameter for the location. If this is zero (the default) a linear trend is not implemented.


See the user's guide.


Returns an object of class "evprior", which is essentially just a list of the arguments passed.

See Also

posterior, pplik


mat <- diag(c(10000, 10000, 100))
prior.norm(mean = c(0,0,0), cov = mat, trendsd = 10)
prior.quant(shape = c(38.9,7.1,47), scale = c(1.5,6.3,2.6))
prior.prob(quant = c(85,88,95), alpha = c(4,2.5,2.25,0.25))

[Package evdbayes version 1.1-3 Index]