fgev {evd}R Documentation

Maximum-likelihood Fitting of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution


Maximum-likelihood fitting for the generalized extreme value distribution, including linear modelling of the location parameter, and allowing any of the parameters to be held fixed if desired.


fgev(x, start, ..., nsloc = NULL, prob = NULL, std.err = TRUE,
    corr = FALSE, method = "BFGS", warn.inf = TRUE)



A numeric vector, which may contain missing values.


A named list giving the initial values for the parameters over which the likelihood is to be maximized. If start is omitted the routine attempts to find good starting values using moment estimators.


Additional parameters, either for the GEV model or for the optimization function optim. If parameters of the model are included they will be held fixed at the values given (see Examples).


A data frame with the same number of rows as the length of x, for linear modelling of the location parameter. The data frame is treated as a covariate matrix (excluding the intercept). A numeric vector can be given as an alternative to a single column data frame.


Controls the parameterization of the model (see Details). Should be either NULL (the default), or a probability in the closed interval [0,1].


Logical; if TRUE (the default), the standard errors are returned.


Logical; if TRUE, the correlation matrix is returned.


The optimization method (see optim for details).


Logical; if TRUE (the default), a warning is given if the negative log-likelihood is infinite when evaluated at the starting values.


If prob is NULL (the default):

For stationary models the parameter names are loc, scale and shape, for the location, scale and shape parameters respectively. For non-stationary models, the parameter names are loc, locx1, ..., locxn, scale and shape, where x1, ..., xn are the column names of nsloc, so that loc is the intercept of the linear model, and locx1, ..., locxn are the ncol(nsloc) coefficients. If nsloc is a vector it is converted into a single column data frame with column name trend, and hence the associated trend parameter is named loctrend.

If prob=p\code{prob} = p is a probability:

The fit is performed using a different parameterization. Let aa, bb and ss denote the location, scale and shape parameters of the GEV distribution. For stationary models, the distribution is parameterized using (zp,b,s)(z_p,b,s), where

zp=ab/s(1(log(1p))s)z_p = a - b/s (1 - (-\log(1 - p))^s)

is such that G(zp)=1pG(z_p) = 1 - p, where GG is the GEV distribution function. prob=p\code{prob} = p is therefore the probability in the upper tail corresponding to the quantile zpz_p. If prob is zero, then zpz_p is the upper end point ab/sa - b/s, and ss is restricted to the negative (Weibull) axis. If prob is one, then zpz_p is the lower end point ab/sa - b/s, and ss is restricted to the positive (Frechet) axis. The parameter names are quantile, scale and shape, for zpz_p, bb and ss respectively.

For non-stationary models the parameter zpz_p is again given by the equation above, but aa becomes the intercept of the linear model for the location parameter, so that quantile replaces (the intercept) loc, and hence the parameter names are quantile, locx1, ..., locxn, scale and shape, where x1, ..., xn are the column names of nsloc.

In either case:

For non-stationary fitting it is recommended that the covariates within the linear model for the location parameter are (at least approximately) centered and scaled (i.e.\ that the columns of nsloc are centered and scaled), particularly if automatic starting values are used, since the starting values for the associated parameters are then zero.


Returns an object of class c("gev","uvevd","evd").

The generic accessor functions fitted (or fitted.values), std.errors, deviance, logLik and AIC extract various features of the returned object.

The functions profile and profile2d are used to obtain deviance profiles for the model parameters. In particular, profiles of the quantile zpz_p can be calculated and plotted when prob=p\code{prob} = p. The function anova compares nested models. The function plot produces diagnostic plots.

An object of class c("gev","uvevd","evd") is a list containing at most the following components


A vector containing the maximum likelihood estimates.


A vector containing the standard errors.


A vector containing the parameters of the model that have been held fixed.


A vector containing all parameters (optimized and fixed).


The deviance at the maximum likelihood estimates.


The correlation matrix.


The variance covariance matrix.

convergence, counts, message

Components taken from the list returned by optim.


The data passed to the argument x.


The data, transformed to stationarity (for non-stationary models).


The argument nsloc.


The length of x.


The argument prob.


The location parameter. If prob is NULL (the default), this will also be an element of param.


The call of the current function.


The standard errors and the correlation matrix in the returned object are taken from the observed information, calculated by a numerical approximation. They must be interpreted with caution when the shape parameter is less than 0.5-0.5, because the usual asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimators do not then hold (Smith, 1985).


Smith, R. L. (1985) Maximum likelihood estimation in a class of non-regular cases. Biometrika, 72, 67–90.

See Also

anova.evd, optim, plot.uvevd, profile.evd, profile2d.evd


uvdata <- rgev(100, loc = 0.13, scale = 1.1, shape = 0.2)
trend <- (-49:50)/100
M1 <- fgev(uvdata, nsloc = trend, control = list(trace = 1))
M2 <- fgev(uvdata)
M3 <- fgev(uvdata, shape = 0)
M4 <- fgev(uvdata, scale = 1, shape = 0)
anova(M1, M2, M3, M4)
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
## Not run: M2P <- profile(M2)
## Not run: plot(M2P)

rnd <- runif(100, min = -.5, max = .5)
fgev(uvdata, nsloc = data.frame(trend = trend, random = rnd))
fgev(uvdata, nsloc = data.frame(trend = trend, random = rnd), locrandom = 0)

uvdata <- rgev(100, loc = 0.13, scale = 1.1, shape = 0.2)
M1 <- fgev(uvdata, prob = 0.1)
M2 <- fgev(uvdata, prob = 0.01)
## Not run: M1P <- profile(M1, which = "quantile")
## Not run: M2P <- profile(M2, which = "quantile")
## Not run: plot(M1P)
## Not run: plot(M2P)

[Package evd version 2.3-7 Index]