Evaluating Individualized Treatment Rules

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Documentation for package ‘evalITR’ version 1.0.0

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AUPEC Estimation of the Area Under Prescription Evaluation Curve (AUPEC) in Randomized Experiments
AUPECcv Estimation of the Area Under Prescription Evaluation Curve (AUPEC) in Randomized Experiments Under Cross Validation
compute_qoi Compute Quantities of Interest (PAPE, PAPEp, PAPDp, AUPEC, GATE, GATEcv)
compute_qoi_user Compute Quantities of Interest (PAPE, PAPEp, PAPDp, AUPEC, GATE, GATEcv) with user defined functions
consist.test The Consistency Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) in Randomized Experiments
consistcv.test The Consistency Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) under Cross Validation in Randomized Experiments
create_ml_args Create general arguments
create_ml_args_bart Create arguments for bartMachine
create_ml_args_bartc Create arguments for bartCause
create_ml_args_causalforest Create arguments for causal forest
create_ml_args_lasso Create arguments for LASSO
create_ml_args_superLearner Create arguments for super learner
create_ml_args_svm Create arguments for SVM
create_ml_args_svm_cls Create arguments for SVM classification
create_ml_arguments Create arguments for ML algorithms
estimate_itr Estimate individual treatment rules (ITR)
evaluate_itr Evaluate ITR
fit_itr Estimate ITR for Single Outcome
GATE Estimation of the Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) in Randomized Experiments
GATEcv Estimation of the Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) in Randomized Experiments Under Cross Validation
het.test The Heterogeneity Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) in Randomized Experiments
hetcv.test The Heterogeneity Test for Grouped Average Treatment Effects (GATEs) under Cross Validation in Randomized Experiments
PAPD Estimation of the Population Average Prescription Difference in Randomized Experiments
PAPDcv Estimation of the Population Average Prescription Difference in Randomized Experiments Under Cross Validation
PAPE Estimation of the Population Average Prescription Effect in Randomized Experiments
PAPEcv Estimation of the Population Average Prescription Effect in Randomized Experiments Under Cross Validation
PAV Estimation of the Population Average Value in Randomized Experiments
PAVcv Estimation of the Population Average Value in Randomized Experiments Under Cross Validation
plot.itr Plot the AUPEC curve
plot_estimate Plot the GATE estimate
print.summary.itr Print
print.summary.test_itr Print
star Tennessee’s Student/Teacher Achievement Ratio (STAR) project
summary.itr Summarize estimate_itr output
summary.test_itr Summarize test_itr output
test_itr Conduct hypothesis tests