Mixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processes for Earthquake Description

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Documentation for package ‘etasFLP’ version 2.2.2

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etasFLP-package Mixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processes
b.guten Estimates the parameter of the Gutenberg-Richter law.
bwd.nrd Silverman's rule optimal for the estimation of a kernel bandwidth
californiacatalog Sample catalog of North California earthquakes
catalog.withcov Small sample catalog of italian earthquakes with covariates
compare.etasclass Compare two etasclass objects
daily.etasclass Title daily.etasclass
eqcat Check earthquake catalog
etas.starting Guess starting values of ETAS parameters (beta-version). Only from package version 1.2.0
etasclass Mixed estimation of an ETAS model (renewed in version 2.0)
etasFLP Mixed FLP and ML Estimation of ETAS Space-Time Point Processes
italycatalog Small sample catalog of italian earthquakes
kde2d.integral A 2-d normal kernel estimator
kde2dnew.fortran A 2-d normal kernel estimator
magn.plot Transformed plot of the magnitudes distribution of an earthquakes catalog
MLA.freq Display a pretty frequency table
plot.eqcat Check earthquake catalog
plot.etasclass Plot method for etasclass objects
plot.profile.etasclass plot method for profile.etasclass objects (profile likelihood of ETAS model)
print.etasclass Print method for etasclass objects
profile.etasclass profile method for etasclass objects (ETAS model) (To be checked)
simpson.coeff Computes Simpson integration rule coefficients
simpson.kD Computes Simpson integration rule coefficients
summary.eqcat Check earthquake catalog
summary.etasclass Summary method for etasclass objects
time2date Date time conversion tools
timecharunique2seq Date time conversion tools
timeupdate.etasclass timeupdate.etasclass
update.etasclass update.etasclass
xy.grid Creates a 2-d grid