add_script_to_rmd | Add Custom CSS and JavaScript to R Markdown Document |
button | Create an HTML button with optional toggleable content |
calendar_plot | Generate a calendar plot |
codebook_table | Create Codebook Table |
controws | Get Context of Rows |
dataInfo | Display information regarding the dataset in a succinct way. |
endbutton | End the HTML button container |
esmdata_preprocessed | Preprocessed ESM data set |
esmdata_raw | Raw ESM data set |
esmdata_sim | Simulated ESM Data Set |
folrows | Extract Following Rows from a Dataframe |
getEsmtoolsEnv | Get the internal package environment |
heatcalendar_plot | Generate a heatmap calendar plot |
longstring | Calculate Longstring Value |
participants_book | Generate a participants' book |
print.dataInfo | Print method of the dataInfo object |
randrows | Randomly Sample Rows from a Dataframe |
txt | Custom Text for Rmarkdown with Counting |
use_template | Import esmtools RMarkdown Templates |
vars_consist | Create Unique Values Dataframe |