esComplete {esmprep}R Documentation



esComplete checks whether each ESM questionnaire is complete as specified by the user.


esComplete(dfList, lastItemList)



a list. Each element of the list must be a data.frame. Each data.frame is a separate raw ESM dataset/an ESM questionnaire version. If there is just one ESM version the list therefore contains one data.frame.


a list. Each list element too must be a list. Each of these inner lists must contain exactly 4 elements:

  1. First, a character string specifying the ESM questionnaire version

  2. Second, a character string specifying the penultimate item of its respective ESM questionnaire version (i.e. the column name of the raw ESM dataset)

  3. Third, a vector of at least one numeric value, specifying the condition upon which the last item is expected to contain a value, so that the questionnaire can be considered complete, and

  4. Fourth, a character string specifying the last item of its respective ESM questionnaire version (i.e. the column name of the raw ESM dataset).

If there is no condition that determines which is the last item expected to contain a value, then the second and the third argument will have to be set to NA. See Details for more information.


If due to some technical error an ESM questionnaire does not contain an end date and/or end time it might be a complete questionnaire nonetheless. Completion can be defined as the last item of the questionnaire containing valid data. In addition it is possible that the value in the penultimate item sets a condition upon which the questionnaire's completion is achieved either if the penultimate item contains a specific value (e.g. 0), which might signal that the questionnaire ends right there. However, if the penultimate item contains a value greater than 0, this might signal that the questionnaire's last item is expected to contain valid data.


dfList with additional column INCOMPLETE denoting an ESM questionnaire to be complete (= 0) or incomplete (= 1). If within the 2nd argument lastItemList at least one of the ESM questionnaire versions are passed more than once, then the additional columns will be named INCOMPLETE_i, where i specifies the number of how often an ESM version has been passed (see Examples).

See Also

Exemplary code (fully executable) in the documentation of esmprep (function 13 of 29).


# o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o
# Prerequisites in order to execute esComplete. Start ---------------
# Use example list delivered with the package
# keyLsNew is a list of datasets, also delivered with the package
rmInvLs <- rmInvalid(keyLsNew, RELEVANTVN_ES)
plausibItems <- esItems(dfList=rmInvLs[["dfValid"]], RELEVANTVN_ES)
# Prerequisites in order to execute esComplete. End -----------------
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Run function 13 of 29; see esmprep functions' hierarchy.
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Generate second argument of function 'esComplete'. It's strongly recommended
# to read the explantion of this 2nd argument in the esmprep vignette, function
# 'esComplete'.
lastItemList <- list(
# If in survey version "morningTestGroup" variable "V6" contains the value 0,
# then variable "V6_1" is the last item expected to contain data, else "V6" is the last item
# expected to contain data.
list("morningTestGroup", "V6", 0, "V6_1"),
# In survey version "dayTestGroup" variable "V7" is the last item expected to contain data;
# unlike above, no conditions; NA as 2nd and 3rd element of the inner list are mandatory.
list("dayTestGroup", NA, NA, "V7"),
# Information of all further ESM versions are passed accordingly:
list("eveningTestGroup", "V9", 1, "V9_1"),
list("morningControlGroup", "V6", 0, "V6_1"),
list("dayControlGroup", NA, NA, "V7"),
# The last ESM version has 2 conditions, therefore it is passed 2 times:
# If V8_1 contains a value between 1 and 5, then V8_3 is the last item expected to
# contain data.
list("eveningControlGroup", "V8_1", 1:5, "V8_3"),
# If V8_1 contains the value 0, then V8_2 is the last item expected to contain data.
list("eveningControlGroup", "V8_1", 0, "V8_2"))
# Apply function 'esComplete'. rmInvLs[["dfValid"]] is one of the results of function
# rmInvalid.
isCompleteLs <- esComplete(rmInvLs[["dfValid"]], lastItemList)
# o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o

[Package esmprep version 0.2.0 Index]