Exponential Random Graph Models for Small Networks

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Documentation for package ‘ergmito’ version 0.3-1

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as_adjmat An alternative to 'as.matrix' to retrieve adjacency matrix fast
AVAILABLE_STATS Count Network Statistics
benchmarkito Utility to benchmark expression in R
blockdiagonalize Block-diagonal models using 'ergm'
check_convergence Check the convergence of ergmito estimates
check_support Check the convergence of ergmito estimates
count_stats Count Network Statistics
count_stats.formula Count Network Statistics
count_stats.list Count Network Statistics
ergmito Estimation of ERGMs using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
ergmito_boot Bootstrap of ergmito
ergmito_formulae Processing formulas in 'ergmito'
ergmito_gof Goodness of Fit diagnostics for ERGMito models
ergmito_loglik Processing formulas in 'ergmito'
ergm_blockdiag Block-diagonal models using 'ergm'
exact_gradient Vectorized calculation of ERGM exact log-likelihood
exact_gradient.default Vectorized calculation of ERGM exact log-likelihood
exact_hessian Vectorized calculation of ERGM exact log-likelihood
exact_loglik Vectorized calculation of ERGM exact log-likelihood
exact_loglik.default Vectorized calculation of ERGM exact log-likelihood
extract.ergmito Extract function to be used with the 'texreg' package.
fivenets Example of a group of small networks
geodesic Geodesic distance matrix (all pairs)
geodesic.matrix Geodesic distance matrix (all pairs)
geodesic.network Geodesic distance matrix (all pairs)
geodesita Geodesic distance matrix (all pairs)
gof_ergmito Goodness of Fit diagnostics for ERGMito models
induced_submat Extract a submatrix from a network
is_directed Utility functions to query network dimensions
matrix_to_network Manipulation of network objects
matrix_to_network.matrix Manipulation of network objects
nedges Utility functions to query network dimensions
new_ergmito_ptr Creates a new 'ergmito_ptr'
new_rergmito ERGMito sampler
nnets Utility functions to query network dimensions
nvertex Utility functions to query network dimensions
plot.ergmito Function to visualize the optimization surface
plot.ergmito_gof Goodness of Fit diagnostics for ERGMito models
powerset Power set of Graphs of size 'n'
predict.ergmito Prediction method for 'ergmito' objects
rbernoulli Random Bernoulli graph
same_dist Compare pairs of networks to see if those came from the same distribution
simulate.ergmito Draw samples from a fitted 'ergmito' model
splitnetwork Block-diagonal models using 'ergm'
vcov.ergmito Estimation of ERGMs using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
[.ergmito_sampler ERGMito sampler