ergmProposal {ergm}R Documentation

Metropolis-Hastings Proposal Methods for ERGM MCMC


ergm uses a Metropolis-Hastings (MH) algorithm to control the behavior of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for sampling networks. The MCMC chain is intended to step around the sample space of possible networks, selecting a network at regular intervals to evaluate the statistics in the model. For each MCMC step, nn (n=1n=1 in the simple case) toggles are proposed to change the dyad(s) to the opposite value. The probability of accepting the proposed change is determined by the MH acceptance ratio. The role of the different MH methods implemented in ergm is to vary how the sets of dyads are selected for toggle proposals. This is used in some cases to improve the performance (speed and mixing) of the algorithm, and in other cases to constrain the sample space. Proposals can also be searched via search.ergmProposals, and help for an individual proposal can be obtained with ⁠ergmProposal?<proposal>⁠ or help("<proposal>-ergmProposal").

Implemented proposals for ergm models

Proposal Reference Enforces May_Enforce Priority Weight Class
BDStratTNT Bernoulli sparse bdmax blocks strat -3 BDStratTNT cross-sectional
BDStratTNT Bernoulli bdmax sparse blocks strat 0 BDStratTNT cross-sectional
BDStratTNT Bernoulli blocks sparse bdmax strat 0 BDStratTNT cross-sectional
BDStratTNT Bernoulli strat sparse bdmax blocks 0 BDStratTNT cross-sectional
CondB1Degree Bernoulli b1degrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondB2Degree Bernoulli b2degrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondDegree Bernoulli degrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondDegree Bernoulli idegrees odegrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondDegree Bernoulli b1degrees b2degrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondDegreeDist Bernoulli degreedist 0 random cross-sectional
CondDegreeMix Bernoulli degreesmix 0 random cross-sectional
CondInDegree Bernoulli idegrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondInDegreeDist Bernoulli idegreedist 0 random cross-sectional
CondOutDegree Bernoulli odegrees 0 random cross-sectional
CondOutDegreeDist Bernoulli odegreedist 0 random cross-sectional
ConstantEdges Bernoulli edges .dyads bd 0 random cross-sectional
DiscUnif DiscUnif 0 random cross-sectional
DiscUnif2 DiscUnif -1 random2 cross-sectional
DiscUnifNonObserved DiscUnif observed 0 random cross-sectional
DistRLE StdNormal .dyads 0 random cross-sectional
DistRLE Unif .dyads 0 random cross-sectional
DistRLE Unif .dyads -3 random cross-sectional
DistRLE DiscUnif .dyads -3 random cross-sectional
DistRLE StdNormal .dyads -3 random cross-sectional
DistRLE Poisson .dyads -3 random cross-sectional
DistRLE Binomial .dyads -3 random cross-sectional
HammingConstantEdges Bernoulli edges hamming 0 random cross-sectional
HammingTNT Bernoulli hamming sparse 0 random cross-sectional
StdNormal StdNormal 0 random cross-sectional
TNT Bernoulli sparse .dyads bd -1 TNT cross-sectional
Unif Unif 0 random cross-sectional
UnifNonObserved Unif observed 0 random cross-sectional
dyadnoise Bernoulli dyadnoise 0 random cross-sectional
dyadnoiseTNT Bernoulli dyadnoise sparse 1 TNT cross-sectional
randomtoggle Bernoulli .dyads bd -2 random cross-sectional


See Also

ergm package, ergm, ergmConstraint, ergm_proposal

[Package ergm version 4.6.0 Index]