daRoll {erer}R Documentation

Voting records for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003 and the associated characteristics of congressmen


This data set contains the voting records for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003, as used in Sun (2006). The characteristics of individual congressmen are also included. There are 537 observations and 22 variables.

state state name for a congressman
district district for a congressman; 0 for senators
name Family name of a congressman
voteMay voting record in May 2003 in the House; 1 if yes, 0 if no, and NA if not voted
voteNov voting record in Nov 2003 in both the House and Senate
RepParty Dummy equals one if Republican
East Regional dummy for 11 northeastern states
West Regional dummy for 11 western states
South Regional dummy for 13 southern states
PopDen Population density - 1000 persons per km2
PopRural Population density per km2
Edu Percentage of population over 25 with a Bachelor's degree
Income Median family income ($1,000)
FYland Percentage of federal lands in total forestlands 2002
Size Value of shipments of forest industry 1997 (million dollars)
ContrFY Contribution from forest firms (1,000 dollars)
ContrEN Contribution from environmental groups (1,000 dollars)
Sex Dummy equals one if male
Lawyer Dummy equals one if lawyer
Member Dummy equals one if a committee member for the HFRA
Year Number of years in the position
Chamber Dummy equals one if House and zero if Senate




A data frame object with 537 rows and 22 variables. This is a cross-sectional dataset that are generating from merging several raw datasets.


This is the combinded final data set used in the study of Sun (2006).


See Table 1 in Sun (2006) for detail.


Sun, C. 2006. A roll call analysis of the Healthy Forests Restoration Act and constituent interests in fire policy. Forest Policy and Economics 9(2):126-138.

See Also

glm; maBina.


# generate four datasets used in Sun (2006)
xn <- c('RepParty', 'East', 'West', 'South', 'PopDen', 
  'PopRural', 'Edu', 'Income', 'FYland', 'Size', 
  'ContrFY', 'ContrEN', 'Sex', 'Lawyer', 'Member', 'Year', 'Chamber')

f1 <- daRoll[!is.na(daRoll$voteMay), c('voteMay', xn)]
f2 <- daRoll[!is.na(daRoll$voteNov) & daRoll$Chamber == 1, c('voteNov', xn)]
f3 <- daRoll[!is.na(daRoll$voteNov), c('voteNov', xn)]
f4 <- daRoll[!is.na(daRoll$voteNov) & daRoll$RepParty == 0, c('voteNov', xn)]
rownames(f1) <- 1:nrow(f1); rownames(f2) <- 1:nrow(f2)
rownames(f3) <- 1:nrow(f3); rownames(f4) <- 1:nrow(f4)
colnames(f1)[1] <- colnames(f2)[1] <- 'Vote'
colnames(f3)[1] <- colnames(f4)[1] <- 'Vote'
dim(f1); dim(f2); dim(f3); dim(f4)

[Package erer version 3.1 Index]