daLaw {erer}R Documentation

Data for statutory reforms and retention of prescribed fire liability laws on forest land by state


This data set contains a cross-sectional data set for current adoption of statutory laws with regard to prescribed fire liability on forest landowners. It has 50 observations and 16 variables.

SHORT Two-letter abbreviations of 50 state names
STATE Full state names
Y Categorical dependent variable (Y = 0, 1, 2, or 3)
FYNFS National Forests area in a state (million acres)
FYIND Industrial forest land area in a state (million acres)
FYNIP Nonindustrial private forest land area in a state (million acres)
AGEN Permanent forestry program personnel in a state
POPRUR Rural population in a state (million)
EDU Population 25 years and older with advanced degrees in a state (million)
INC Per capita income in a state (thousand dollars)
DAY The maximum length of legislative sessions in calendar days in a state
BIANN A dummy variable equal to one for states with annual legislative sessions, zero with biannual (or less)
SEAT Total number of legislative seats (Senate plus House) in the legislative body in a state
BICAM Level of bicameralism in a state, defined as the size of the Senate divided by the size of the House
COMIT Total number of standing committees in a state
RATIO Total number of standing committees in a state divided by the number of legislators




A data frame object with 50 rows and 16 variables.


This is the final data set used in the study of Sun (2006).


See Table 2 in Sun (2006) for detail of data sources.


Sun, C. 2006. State statutory reforms and retention of prescribed fire liability laws on US forest land. Forest Policy and Economics 9(4):392-402.


str(daLaw); head(daLaw); names(daLaw) 

[Package erer version 3.1 Index]