Empirical Research in Economics with R

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Documentation for package ‘erer’ version 3.1

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erer-package Empirical Research in Economics with R
aiData Transforming Raw Data for Static AIDS Model
aiDiag Diagnostic Statitics for Static or Dynamic AIDS Model
aiDynFit Fitting a Dynamic AIDS Model
aiElas Computing Elasticity for Static or Dynamic AIDS Models
aiStaFit Fitting a Static AIDS Model
aiStaHau Conducting a Hausman Test on a Static AIDS Model
bsFormu Generating Formula for Models
bsLag Lagged Time Series
bsStat Summary of Basic Statistics
bsTab Generating Pretty Statistical Tables
daBed Transformed Wooden Beds Import Data for Static AIDS Models
daBedRaw Wooden Beds Import Data
daEsa Daily returns of 14 public firms from 1990 to 2004
daExp Expenditure Data for a Hausman Test in AIDS Model
daIns Liability Insurance Coverage for Hunters and Anglers in Mississippi
daInsNam Liability Insurance Coverage for Hunters and Anglers in Mississippi: Variable Definitions
daLaw Data for statutory reforms and retention of prescribed fire liability laws on forest land by state
daPe Program Effectiveness of a New Method of Teaching Economics
daRoll Voting records for the Healthy Forests Restoration Act in 2003 and the associated characteristics of congressmen
download.lib Downloading source and PDF version of R packages
erer Empirical Research in Economics with R
evReturn Estimating Abnormal Return from Event Analysis
evRisk Risk Evaluation for Event Analysis
head.ts Return the first or last part of time series data
listn Generate a list object with names
lss List Objects with Their Sizes
maBina Marginal Effect for Binary Probit and Logit Model
maTrend Trend of probability values in a binary choice model
ocME Marginal Effect for Ordered Choice Model
ocProb Probability trend for a continuous variable in an ordered choice model
plot.evReturn Estimating Abnormal Return from Event Analysis
plot.maTrend Trend of probability values in a binary choice model
plot.ocProb Probability trend for a continuous variable in an ordered choice model
plot.urdf2 Augmented-Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test revised
print.aidata Transforming Raw Data for Static AIDS Model
print.aiFit Fitting a Static AIDS Model
print.evReturn Estimating Abnormal Return from Event Analysis
print.evRisk Risk Evaluation for Event Analysis
print.maBina Marginal Effect for Binary Probit and Logit Model
print.maTrend Trend of probability values in a binary choice model
print.ocME Marginal Effect for Ordered Choice Model
print.ocProb Probability trend for a continuous variable in an ordered choice model
print.urdf2 Augmented-Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test revised
summary.aiFit Summary of Results from Static or Dynamic Models
systemfitAR Linear Equation System Estimation with Correction on Autocorrelation
tail.ts Return the first or last part of time series data
ur.df2 Augmented-Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test revised
write.list Output and Write a List Object