equivalence {equivalence} | R Documentation |
Equivalence Tests
This package provides tools to perform several equivalence tests.
Recent changes: the tost.data function is deprecated as of version 0.5.0; please use tost, which provides more functionality.
Andrew Robinson A.Robinson@ms.unimelb.edu.au
Schuirmann, D.L. 1981. On hypothesis testing to determine if the mean of a normal distribution is contained in a known interval. Biometrics 37 617.
Robinson, A.P., and R.E. Froese. 2004. Model validation using equivalence tests. Ecological Modelling 176, 349–358.
Wellek, S. 2003. Testing statistical hypotheses of equivalence. Chapman and Hall/CRC. 284 pp.
Westlake, W.J. 1981. Response to T.B.L. Kirkwood: bioequivalence testing - a need to rethink. Biometrics 37, 589-594.
### Tost
tost(ufc$Height.m.p, ufc$Height.m, epsilon = 1)
### equivalence plot
ufc.ht <- ufc[!is.na(ufc$Height),]
equivalence.xyplot(ufc.ht$Height.m ~ ufc.ht$Height.m.p,
alpha=0.05, b0.ii=0.1, b1.ii=0.2,
xlab="Predicted height (m)",
ylab="Measured height (m)")
[Package equivalence version 0.7.2 Index]