Manipulating and Analysing EQ-5d Data

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Documentation for package ‘eq5dsuite’ version 1.0.0

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.add_utility Add utility values to a data frame
.check_uniqueness Check the uniqueness of groups This function takes a data frame 'df' and a vector of columns 'group_by', and checks whether the combinations of values in the columns specified by 'group_by' are unique. If the combinations are not unique, a warning message is printed.
.EQxwrprob .EQxwrprob
.freqtab Helper function for frequency of levels by dimensions tables
.gen_colours Generate colours for PCHC figures
.getmode Get the mode of a vector.
.get_lfs Calculate the Level Frequency Score (LFS)
.get_names Replace NULL names with default values
.modify_ggplot_theme Modify ggplot2 theme
.pchc Wrapper to determine Paretian Classification of Health Change
.pchctab .pchctab: Changes in health according to the PCHC (Paretian Classification of Health Change)
.pchc_plot_by_dim Wrapper to generate Paretian Classification of Health Change plot by dimension
.prep_eq5d Data checking/preparation: EQ-5D variables
.prep_fu Data checking/preparation: follow-up variable
.prep_vas Data checking/preparation: VAS variable
.pstate3t5 .pstate3t5
.pstate5t3 .pstate5t3
.summary_cts_by_fu Wrapper to summarise a continuous variable by follow-up (FU)
.summary_mean_ci Wrapper to calculate summary mean with 95% confidence interval
.summary_table_2_1 Wrapper for the repetitive code in function_table_2_1. Data frame summary
.summary_table_4_3 Summary wrapper for Table 4.3
.summary_table_4_4 Summary wrapper for Table 4.4
eq5d eq5d
eq5d3l eq5d3l
eq5d5l eq5d5l
eq5dy3l eq5dy3l
eqvs_add eqvs_add
eqvs_display eqvs_display
eqvs_drop eqvs_drop
eqvs_load eqvs_load
eqxw eqxw
eqxwr eqxwr
example_data example_data
figure_1_2_1 Figure 1.2.1: Paretian Classification of Health Change
figure_1_2_2 Figure 1.2.2: Percentage of respondents who improved overall by the dimensions (%)
figure_1_2_3 Figure 1.2.3: Percentage of respondents who worsened overall by the dimensions (%)
figure_1_2_4 Figure 1.2.4: Percentage of respondents who had a mixed change by the dimensions in which they improved and worsened (%)
figure_1_3_1 Figure 1.3.1: EQ-5D values plotted against LSS
figure_1_3_2 Figure 1.3.2: EQ-5D values plotted against LFS
figure_2_1 Figure 2.1: EQ VAS scores
figure_2_2 Figure 2.2: Mid-point EQ VAS scores
figure_3_1 Figure 3.1: EQ-5D values by timepoints: mean values and 95% confidence intervals
figure_3_2 Figure 3.2: Mean EQ-5D values and 95% confidence intervals: all vs by groupvar
figure_3_3 Figure 3.3: EQ-5D values: smoothed lines and confidence intervals by groupvar
figure_3_4 Figure 3.4: EQ-5D values: smoothed lines and confidence intervals by groupvar
figure_3_5 Figure 3.5: EQ-5D values: smoothed lines and confidence intervals by groupvar
make_all_EQ_indexes make_all_EQ_indexes
make_all_EQ_states make_all_EQ_states
make_dummies EQ_dummies
table_1_1_1 Table 1.1.1: Frequency of levels by dimensions, cross-sectional
table_1_1_2 Table 1.1.2: Frequency of levels by dimensions, separated by category
table_1_1_3 Table 1.1.3: Prevalence of the 10 most frequently observed self-reported health states
table_1_2_1 Table 1.2.1: Frequency of levels by dimensions, by follow-up
table_1_2_2 Table 1.2.2: Changes in health according to the PCHC (Paretian Classification of Health Change)
table_1_2_3 Table 1.2.3: Changes in health according to the PCHC, taking account of those with no problems
table_1_2_4 Table 1.2.4: Changes in levels in each dimension, percentages of total and of type of change
table_1_3_1 Table 1.3.1: Summary statistics for the EQ-5D values by all the different LSSs (Level Sum Scores)
table_1_3_2 Table 1.3.2: Distribution of the EQ-5D states by LFS (Level Frequency Score)
table_1_3_3 Table 1.3.3: Number of observations in the LFS (Level Frequency Score) according to the EQ-5D values
table_1_3_4 Table 1.3.4: Summary statistics of EQ-5D values by LFS (Level Frequency Score)
table_2_1 Table 2.1: EQ VAS Score by timepoints
table_2_2 Table 2.2: EQ VAS Scores frequency of mid-points
table_3_1 Table 3.1: EQ-5D values: by timepoints
table_3_2 Table 3.2 EQ-5D values: by groupvar
table_3_3 Table 3.3 EQ-5D values: by age and groupvar
toEQ5Ddims toEQ5Ddims
toEQ5Dindex toEQ5DIndex