ui_epoxy_html {epoxy}R Documentation

Epoxy HTML Output for Shiny


A glue-like output for Shiny. ui_epoxy_html() lets you use placeholders in your HTML such as "{{first_name}}", that are provided values from the server by giving render_epoxy() a first_name value. Unlike ui_epoxy_mustache(), updates are highly targeted: only the regions where the server-side data have changed are updated in ui_epoxy_html().


  .class = NULL,
  .style = NULL,
  .item_tag = "span",
  .item_class = NULL,
  .placeholder = "",
  .sep = "",
  .open = "{{",
  .close = "}}",
  .na = "",
  .null = "",
  .literal = FALSE,
  .trim = FALSE,
  .aria_live = c("polite", "off", "assertive"),
  .aria_atomic = TRUE,
  .class_item = deprecated(),
  .container = deprecated(),
  .container_item = deprecated()

epoxyHTML(.id, ...)



The output id


UI elements or text (that will be treated as HTML), containing template variables. Use named values to provide initial placeholder values.

.class, .style

Classes and inline style directives added to the ⁠<epoxy-html>⁠ container into which the elements in ... are placed.

.item_tag, .item_class

The HTML element tag name and classes used to wrap each template variable. By default, each template is wrapped in a ⁠<span>⁠.


Default placeholder if a template variable placeholder isn't provided.


[character(1): ‘""’]
Separator used to separate elements.


[character(1): ‘\{’]
The opening delimiter around the template variable or expression. Doubling the full delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘\}’]
The closing delimiter around the template variable or expression. Doubling the full delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘NA’]
Value to replace NA values with. If NULL missing values are propagated, that is an NA result will cause NA output. Otherwise the value is replaced by the value of .na.


[character(1): ‘character()’]
Value to replace NULL values with. If character() whole output is character(). If NULL all NULL values are dropped (as in paste0()). Otherwise the value is replaced by the value of .null.


[boolean(1): ‘FALSE’]
Whether to treat single or double quotes, backticks, and comments as regular characters (vs. as syntactic elements), when parsing the expression string. Setting .literal = TRUE probably only makes sense in combination with a custom .transformer, as is the case with glue_col(). Regard this argument (especially, its name) as experimental.


[logical(1): ‘TRUE’]
Whether to trim the input template with trim() or not.

.aria_live, .aria_atomic

The aria-live and aria-atomic attribute values for the entire template region. By default, with "polite", any updates within the region will be announced via screen readers.

If your template includes changes in lots of disparate areas, it would be better to set "aria-live" = "polite" and "aria-atomic" = "true" on specific regions that should be announced together. Otherwise, the default is to announce the entire region within the ui_epoxy_html() whenever any of the values within change. In other words, set .aria_live = "off" and .aria_atomic = NULL on the ui_epoxy_html() parent item and then set "aria-live" = "polite" and "aria-atomic" = "true" on the parent containers of each region in the app that receives updates. ui_epoxy_html() does targeted updates, changing only the parts of the UI that have changed.


[Deprecated] Deprecated in epoxy v1.0.0, please use .item_class instead.


[Deprecated] Deprecated in epoxy v1.0.0, where the container is now always ⁠<epoxy-html>⁠.


[Deprecated] Deprecated in epoxy v1.0.0, please use .item_tag instead.


An HTML object.


HTML Markup

By default, placeholders are inserted into a ⁠<span>⁠ element in your UI, with the classes specified in .class_item.

ui_epoxy_html() also supports an HTML markup syntax similar to pug (an HTML preprocessor). As an example, the markup syntax

"{{h3.example.basic#basic-three demo}}"

creates a demo placeholder inside the following tag.

<h3 id="basic-three" class="example basic"></h3>

The placeholder template string follows the pattern ⁠{{<markup> <name>}}⁠. The markup syntax comes first, separated from the placeholder name by a space. The HTML element is first, followed by classes prefixed with . or and ID prefixed with ⁠#⁠. The template markup can contain only one element and one ID, but many classes can be specified.

By default, the placeholder is assumed to be text content and any HTML in the sent to the placeholder will be escaped — in other words if you sent "<strong>word</strong>", you'd see that exact literal text in your app, rather than an emboldened word. To mark a placeholder as safe to accept HTML, use ⁠!!⁠ before the placeholder, e.g. ⁠{{<markup> !!<name>}}⁠. So ⁠{{h3 !!demo}}⁠ will create an ⁠<h3>⁠ tag that accepts HTML within it.

See Also

ui_epoxy_mustache(), render_epoxy()



ui <- fluidPage(
  h2("ui_epoxy_html demo"),
    .id = "example",
    .item_class = "inner",
        class = "col-xs-4",
          inputId = "thing",
          label = "What is this {{color}} thing?",
          choices = c("apple", "banana", "coconut", "dolphin")
        class = "col-xs-4",
          inputId = "color",
          label = "What color is the {{thing}}?",
          c("red", "blue", "black", "green", "yellow")
        class = "col-xs-4",
          inputId = "height",
          label = "How tall is the {{color}} {{thing}}?",
          value = 5,
          min = 0,
          max = 10,
          step = 0.1,
          post = "ft"
    tags$p(class = "big", "The {{color}} {{thing}} is {{height}} feet tall."),
    # Default values for placeholders above.
    thing = "THING",
    color = "COLOR",
    height = "HEIGHT"
    ".big { font-size: 1.5em; }
     .inner { background-color: rgba(254, 233, 105, 0.5);}
     .epoxy-item__placeholder { color: #999999; background-color: unset; }"

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$example <- render_epoxy(
    thing = input$thing,
    color = input$color,
    height = input$height

if (interactive()) {
  shinyApp(ui, server)


[Package epoxy version 1.0.0 Index]