epoxy {epoxy}R Documentation

Epoxy string interpolation


These functions power the knitr chunk engines and are wrappers around glue::glue(), with a few extra conveniences provided by epoxy.

Each of these functions can be called directly or used as a knitr chunk engine where the chunk text is handled as if it were a string passed into the function version. When used as a knitr chunk engine, the function arguments can be passed in as chunk options.

All of epoxy(), epoxy_html() and epoxy_latex() use epoxy_transform_inline() by default. This transformer brings a concise inline-formatting syntax that you can read more about in ?epoxy_transform_inline.

epoxy_html() also includes an inline transformation syntax that makes it easier to wrap the expression text in HTML elements with a specific ID or a set of classes. Learn more about this syntax in ?epoxy_transform_html.


  .data = NULL,
  .sep = "",
  .envir = parent.frame(),
  .open = "{",
  .close = "}",
  .na = "",
  .null = "",
  .comment = character(),
  .literal = FALSE,
  .trim = FALSE,
  .transformer = NULL,
  .collapse = NULL,
  .style = lifecycle::deprecated()

  .data = NULL,
  .sep = "",
  .envir = parent.frame(),
  .open = "{{",
  .close = "}}",
  .na = "",
  .null = "",
  .comment = "",
  .literal = FALSE,
  .trim = FALSE,
  .transformer = NULL,
  .collapse = NULL

  .data = NULL,
  .sep = "",
  .envir = parent.frame(),
  .open = "<<",
  .close = ">>",
  .na = "",
  .null = "",
  .comment = "",
  .literal = FALSE,
  .trim = FALSE,
  .transformer = NULL,
  .collapse = NULL



Unnamed arguments are taken to be expression string(s) to format. Multiple inputs are concatenated together before formatting. Named arguments are taken to be temporary variables available for substitution.


A data set


[character(1): ‘""’]
Separator used to separate elements.


[environment: parent.frame()]
Environment to evaluate each expression in. Expressions are evaluated from left to right. If .x is an environment, the expressions are evaluated in that environment and .envir is ignored. If NULL is passed, it is equivalent to emptyenv().


[character(1): ‘\{’]
The opening delimiter around the template variable or expression. Doubling the full delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘\}’]
The closing delimiter around the template variable or expression. Doubling the full delimiter escapes it.


[character(1): ‘NA’]
Value to replace NA values with. If NULL missing values are propagated, that is an NA result will cause NA output. Otherwise the value is replaced by the value of .na.


[character(1): ‘character()’]
Value to replace NULL values with. If character() whole output is character(). If NULL all NULL values are dropped (as in paste0()). Otherwise the value is replaced by the value of .null.


[character(1): ‘#’]
Value to use as the comment character.


[boolean(1): ‘FALSE’]
Whether to treat single or double quotes, backticks, and comments as regular characters (vs. as syntactic elements), when parsing the expression string. Setting .literal = TRUE probably only makes sense in combination with a custom .transformer, as is the case with glue_col(). Regard this argument (especially, its name) as experimental.


[logical(1): ‘TRUE’]
Whether to trim the input template with trim() or not.


A transformer function or transformer chain created with epoxy_transform(). Alternatively, a character vector of epoxy transformer names, e.g. c("bold", "collapse") or a list of epoxy transformers, e.g. list(epoxy_transform_bold(), epoxy_transform_collapse()).

In epoxy, you'll most likely want to use the defaults or consult epoxy_transform() for more information. See also glue::glue() for more information on transformers.


A character string used to collapse a vector result into a single value. If NULL (the default), the result is not collapsed.


[Deprecated] Please use .transformer instead.


Returns a transformed string, using glue::glue() but with the additional transformers provided to the .transformer argument of epoxy().

See Also


movie <- bechdel[1, ]
movies <- bechdel[2:4, ]

# A basic example with a single row of data
epoxy("{.emph movie$title} ({movie$year}) was directed by {movie$director}.")

# Or vectorized over multiple rows of data
epoxy("* {.emph movies$title} ({movies$year}) was directed by {movies$director}.")

# You can provide the data frame to `.data` to avoid repeating `data$`
epoxy("{.emph title} ({year}) was directed by {director}.", .data = movie)
epoxy("* {.emph title} ({year}) was directed by {director}.", .data = movies)

# Inline transformers can be nested
epoxy("I'd be happy to watch {.or {.italic title}}.", .data = movies)
epoxy("They were directed by {.and {.bold director}}.", .data = movies)

# Learn more about inline transformers in ?epoxy_transform_inline
epoxy("The budget for {.emph title} was {.dollar budget}.", .data = movie)

# --------- HTML and LaTeX variants ---------
# There are also HTML and LaTeX variants of epoxy.
# Each uses default options that are most natural for the format.

# epoxy_html() uses `{{ expr }}` for delimiters
epoxy_html("I'd be happy to watch {{ title }}.", .data = movie)
# It also supports an HTML transformer syntax
epoxy_html("I'd be happy to watch {{em.movie-title title}}.", .data = movie)
# Or use the inline transformer syntax, which uses `@` instead of `.` in HTML
epoxy_html("I'd be happy to watch {{@or {{@emph title}} }}.", .data = movies)

# epoxy_latex() uses `<< expr >>` for delimiters
epoxy_latex("I'd be happy to watch <<.or <<.emph title >> >>.", .data = movies)

[Package epoxy version 1.0.0 Index]