use_idd {eplusr}R Documentation

Use a specific EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD) file


Use a specific EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD) file


use_idd(idd, download = FALSE, encoding = "unknown")

download_idd(ver = "latest", dir = ".")





Either a path, a connection, or literal data (either a single string or a raw vector) to an EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD) file, usually named as Energy+.idd, or a valid version of IDD, e.g. "8.9", "8.9.0".


If TRUE and argument idd, the IDD file will be downloaded from EnergyPlus GitHub Repository, and saved to tempdir(). It will be parsed after it is downloaded successfully. A special value of "auto" can be given, which will automatically download corresponding IDD file if the Idd object is currently not available. It is useful in case when you only want to edit an EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) directly but do not want to install whole EnergyPlus software. Default is FALSE.


The file encoding of input IDD. Should be one of "unknown", ⁠"Latin-1" and ⁠"UTF-8"⁠. The default is ⁠"unknown"' which means that the file is encoded in the native encoding.


A valid EnergyPlus version, e.g. "8", "8.7" or "8.7.0". For download_idd(), the special value "latest", which is default, means the latest version.


A directory to indicate where to save the IDD file. Default: current working directory.


use_idd() takes a valid version or a path of an EnergyPlus Input Data Dictionary (IDD) file, usually named "Energy+.idd" and return an Idd object. For details on Idd class, please see Idd.

download_idd() downloads specified version of EnergyPlus IDD file from EnergyPlus GitHub Repository. It is useful in case where you only want to edit an EnergyPlus Input Data File (IDF) directly but do not want to install whole EnergyPlus software.

avail_idd() returns versions of all cached Idd object.

is_avail_idd() returns TRUE if input version of IDD file has been parsed and cached.

eplusr tries to detect all installed EnergyPlus in default installation locations when loading. If argument idd is a version, eplusr will try the follow ways sequentially to find corresponding IDD:



Hongyuan Jia

See Also

Idd Class for parsing, querying and making modifications to EnergyPlus IDD file


## Not run: 
# get all available Idd version

# check if specific version of Idd is available

# download latest IDD file from EnergyPlus GitHub repo
str(download_idd("latest", tempdir()))

# use specific version of Idd
# only works if EnergyPlus v8.8 has been found or Idd v8.8 exists

# If Idd object is currently not avail_idd, automatically download IDD file
# from EnergyPlus GitHub repo and parse it
use_idd("8.8", download = "auto")

# now Idd v8.8 should be available

# get specific version of parsed Idd object

avail_idd() # should contain "8.8.0"

## End(Not run)

[Package eplusr version 0.16.2 Index]