A 'shiny' Wrapper of the R Package 'epiworldR'

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Documentation for package ‘epiworldRShiny’ version 0.1-0

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epiworldRenv Access to the epiworldR environment.
epiworldRShiny epiworldRShiny App Launcher
epiworldrshiny-ui epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
find_scale Find the right plotting-scale
interventions_add_all NPI adding function
models_setup epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
network_input epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
npis_input epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
npi_add_masking Masking intervention (non-pharmaceutical intervention)
npi_add_school_closure School closure intervention (non-pharmaceutical intervention)
numeric_input_ndays epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
pi_add_vaccine Vaccination (pharmaceutical intervention)
plot_epi Plot daily incidence
plot_reproductive_epi Plot Rt
population_input epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
pop_generator Population generator
run_app epiworldRShiny App Launcher
seed_input epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
simulate_button epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
slider_input_rate epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
slider_prevalence epiworldRShiny UI builder functions
text_input_disease_name epiworldRShiny UI builder functions