Statistical and Viz Tools for Vector-Borne Diseases in Colombia

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Documentation for package ‘epiCo’ version 1.0.0

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age_risk Returns the specific rates associated with being infected given age and sex
describe_ethnicity Provides the sociological description of ethnicities in Colombia
describe_occupation Get ISCO-88 occupation labels from codes
divipola_table divipola_table
endemic_channel Create and return the endemic channel of a disease from an incidence object
epi_calendar Get the epidemiological calendar of a consulted year.
epi_data epi_data
geometric_mean Returns the geometric mean of a vector of real numbers.
geometric_sd Returns the geometric standard deviation of a vector of real numbers.
incidence_rate Extends an incidence class object with incidence rates estimations.
isco88_table isco88_table
morans_index Calculate spatial correlation of given municipalities in an incidence_rate object.
neighborhoods Neighborhoods from real travel distances in Colombia
population_pyramid Returns the population pyramid of the consulted region