ENgetlinkvalue {epanet2toolkit}R Documentation

Retrieve parameter value for a link


ENgetlinkvalue retrieves the value of a specific link parameter for a link.


ENgetlinkvalue(linkindex, paramcode)



index of the link


requested parameter type either as name or number


The parameter value of a specified link.


Link indexes are consecutive integers starting from 1. Link parameter codes consist of the following constants:

EN_DIAMETER 0 Diameter
EN_LENGTH 1 Length
EN_ROUGHNESS 2 Roughness coeff.
EN_MINORLOSS 3 Minor loss coeff.
EN_INITSTATUS 4 Initial link status (0 = closed, 1 = open)
EN_INITSETTING 5 Initial pipe roughness
Initial pump speed
Initial valve setting
EN_KBULK 6 Bulk reaction coeff.
EN_KWALL 7 Wall reaction coeff.
EN_FLOW 8 Flow rate
EN_VELOCITY 9 Flow velocity
EN_HEADLOSS 10 Head loss
EN_STATUS 11 Actual link status (0 = closed, 1 = open)
EN_SETTING 12 Pipe roughness
Actual pump speed
Actal valve setting
EN_ENERGY 13 Energy expended in kwatts

Parameters 8 - 13 (EN_FLOW through EN_ENERGY) are computed values. The others are design parameters.

Flow rate is positive if the direction of flow is from the designated start node of the link to its designated end node, and negative otherwise.

Values are returned in units which depend on the units used for flow rate in the EPANET input file.

See Also

ENgetlinkindex ENgetflowunits


# path to Net1.inp example file included with this package
inp <- file.path( find.package("epanet2toolkit"), "extdata","Net1.inp")  
ENopen(inp, "Net1.rpt")
ENgetlinkvalue(1, "EN_DIAMETER")
ENgetlinkvalue(1, "EN_LENGTH")
ENgetlinkvalue(8, "EN_DIAMETER")
ENgetlinkvalue(8, "EN_LENGTH")

[Package epanet2toolkit version 1.0.5 Index]