ENgetflowunits {epanet2toolkit}R Documentation

Retrieve a code number indicating the units used to express all flow rates.


ENgetflowunits retrieves a code number indicating the units used to express all flow rates.




An integer, the code numnber indicating the flow units.


Flow units codes are as follows:

0 = EN_CFS cubic feet per second
1 = EN_GPM gallons per minute
2 = EN_MGD million gallons per day
3 = EN_IMGD Imperial mgd
4 = EN_AFD acre-feet per day
5 = EN_LPS liters per second
6 = EN_LPM liters per minute
7 = EN_MLD million liters per day
8 = EN_CMH cubic meters per hour
9 = EN_CMD cubic meters per day

Flow units are specified in the [OPTIONS] section of the EPANET Input file.

Flow units in liters or cubic meters implies that metric units are used for all other quantities in addition to flow. Otherwise US units are employed. (See Units of Measurement).


# path to Net1.inp example file included with this package
inp <- file.path( find.package("epanet2toolkit"), "extdata","Net1.inp")  
ENopen( inp, "Net1.rpt")

[Package epanet2toolkit version 1.0.5 Index]