Keep Track of User-Defined Environment Names

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Documentation for package ‘envnames’ version 0.4.1

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envnames-package Track user-defined environment names
address Call the C function address() that retrieves the memory address of an R object
collapse_root_and_member Put together a root name with a member name
environment_name Retrieve the name of an environment
envnames Track user-defined environment names
get_env_name Retrieve the name of an environment
get_env_names Create a lookup table with address-name pairs of environments
get_fun_calling Return the name of a calling function with its context or path
get_fun_calling_chain Return the chain of calling functions
get_fun_env Return the execution environment of a function
get_fun_name Return the name of the current function or a calling function in the chain
get_obj_address Return the memory address of an object
get_obj_name Return the name of an object at a given parent generation from an environment
get_obj_value Return the value of the object at a given parent generation leading to the specified object
obj_find Find an object in the workspace including user-defined environments
testenv Environment used in testing the package