monthlyPET {envirem} | R Documentation |
monthly PET
Monthly potential evapotranspiration
monthlyPET(Tmean, RA, TD, tempScale = 1)
Tmean |
SpatRaster of monthly mean temperature |
RA |
SpatRaster of monthly extraterrestrial solar radiation |
TD |
SpatRaster of monthly temperature range |
tempScale |
integer; scaling factor for the temperature data, see envirem for additional details. |
PET = 0.0023 * RA * (Tmean + 17.8) * TD ^ 0.5
SpatRaster of monthly PET in mm / month
Pascal Title
Hargreaves, G. L., Hargreaves, G. H., & Riley, J. P. (1985). Irrigation water requirements for Senegal River basin. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 111, 265-275.
Zomer, R.J., Trabucco, A., Bossio, D.A. & Verchot, L.V. (2008). Climate change mitigation: A spatial analysis of global land suitability for clean development mechanism afforestation and reforestation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 126, 67-80.
Zomer, R.J., Trabucco, A., Van Straaten, O. & Bossio, D.A. (2006) Carbon, Land and Water: A Global Analysis of the Hydrologic Dimensions of Climate Change Mitigation through Afforestation/Reforestation. International Water Management Institute Research Report 101. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
# Find example rasters
rasterFiles <- list.files(system.file('extdata', package='envirem'), full.names=TRUE)
env <- rast(rasterFiles)
# identify the appropriate layers
meantemp <- grep('mean', names(env), value=TRUE)
solar <- grep('solrad', names(env), value=TRUE)
maxtemp <- grep('tmax', names(env), value=TRUE)
mintemp <- grep('tmin', names(env), value=TRUE)
# read them in as SpatRasters
meantemp <- env[[meantemp]]
solar <- env[[solar]]
maxtemp <- env[[maxtemp]]
mintemp <- env[[mintemp]]
tempRange <- abs(maxtemp - mintemp)
monthlyPET(meantemp, solar, tempRange, tempScale = 10)