Document the R Working Environment

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Documentation for package ‘envDocument’ version 2.4.1

Help Pages

envDocument-package Document the environment under which an analysis was performed
collapseInfo Collapse list of enviornment information into a single data frme
envDocument Document the environment under which an analysis was performed
env_doc Report the working environment in which an analysis was performed.
getDominoInfo Get information about a Domino Datalab run from environment variables in the run environment
getGitInfo Get git repository information for a script
getPackageInfo Get information on attached packages
getRepo Locate the git repository where a file is tracked
getScriptInfo Get information about the calling script
getScriptPath Get the path of the calling script
getSysInfo Get system information.
get_Rversion Get information on R version
get_scriptpath Get the path of the calling script
infoNotFound Return a consistent failure result when something is not available
prettyPrintInfo Output environment information as individual tables per section
remoteInfo Look up remotes for repository