Ensemble Taxonomic Assignments of Amplicon Sequencing Data

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Documentation for package ‘ensembleTax’ version 1.1.1

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assign.ensembleTax Computes ensemble taxonomic assignments for each ASV in an amplicon data set
bayes.sample Example output of dada2 assignTaxonomy function
bayestax2df Converts the output of DADA2's assignTaxonomy, which implements a naive bayesian classifier, into a dataframe compatible with the algorithms used in ensembleTax
gg_13_8_train_set_97 All unique taxonomic assignments from the GreenGenes v13.8 clusted at 97%
idtax.pr2.sample Example output of DECIPHER idtaxa function with pr2 taxonomy
idtax.silva.sample Example output of DECIPHER idtaxa function with silva taxonomy
idtax2df Converts outputs of DECIPHER's idtaxa algorithm into a dataframe compatible with the algorithms used in ensembleTax.
pr2v4.12.0 All unique taxonomic assignments from the pr2 reference database v4.12.0
rdp_train_set_16 All unique taxonomic assignments from the RDP Train Set 16
rubric.sample Example rubric with ASV-identifying data
silva.nr.v138 All unique taxonomic assignments from the Silva SSU nr database v138
sort_my_taxtab Sorts taxonomy table by ASV-identifying columns.
synonyms_v2 Taxonomic synonyms searched by the taxmapper algorithm
taxmapper Maps an input taxonomy table onto a different taxonomic nomenclature.