controlMOScsg0 {ensembleMOS}R Documentation

Control parameters for censored and shifted gamma EMOS models


Specifies a list of values controling the censored and shifted gamma EMOS fit of ensemble forecasts.


controlMOScsg0(scoringRule = c("crps", "log"),
               optimRule = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "L-BFGS-B"),
               coefRule = c("square", "none", "positive"),
               varRule = c("square", "none"),
               start = list(a = NULL, B = NULL,
                            c = NULL, d = NULL, q = NULL),
               maxIter = Inf)



The scoring rule to be used in optimum score estimation. Options are "crps" for the continuous ranked probability score and "log" for the logarithmic score.


Numerical optimization method to be supplied to optim. Options are "BFGS" for the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm and "Nelder-Mead" for the Nelder-Mead method, see optim for details. Note that these options are only available for scoringRule = "log". In case of scoringRule = "crps", the optimization method is set to "L-BFGS-B" by default.


Method to control non-negativity of regression estimates. Options are:

  • "square" EMOS coefficients are parameterized as squares and thus gauranteed to be non-negative.

  • "positive" finds non-negative coefficents iteratively by setting negative estimates at the current iteration to zero.

  • "none" no restriction on the coefficient estimates.


Method to control non-negativity of the scale parameters. Options "square" and "none" are the same as in coefRule.


A list of starting parameters, a, B, c, d and q specifying initial values for the intercept coefficient and variance parameters supplied to optim. See details.


An integer specifying the upper limit of the number of iterations used to fit the model.


If no value is assigned to an argument, the first entry of the list of possibly choices will be used by default. Note that optimMethod options are only available for scoringRule = "log". In case of scoringRule = "crps", the optimization method is set to "L-BFGS-B" by default.

Given an ensemble of size mm: X1,,XmX_1, \ldots , X_m, the following shifted gamma model left-censored at 0 is fit by ensembleMOScsg0:

Y Gamma0(κ,θ,q)Y ~ Gamma_0(\kappa,\theta,q)

where Gamma0Gamma_0 denotes the shifted gamma distribution left-censored at zero, with shape κ\kappa, scale θ\theta and shift qq. The model is parametrized such that the mean κθ\kappa\theta is a linear function a+b1X1++bmXma + b_1 X_1 + \ldots + b_m X_m of the ensemble forecats, and the variance κθ2\kappa\theta^2 is a linear function of the ensemble mean c+dfc+d \overline{f}, see ensembleMOScsg0 for details.


A list whose components are the input arguments and their assigned values.


M. Scheuerer and T. M. Hamill, Statistical post-processing of ensemble precipitation forecasts by fitting censored, shifted gamma distributions. Monthly Weather Review 143:4578–4596, 2015.

S. Baran and D. Nemoda, Censored and shifted gamma distribution based EMOS model for probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasting. Environmetrics 27:280–292, 2016.

See Also

ensembleMOScsg0, fitMOScsg0


data("ensBMAtest", package = "ensembleBMA")

ensMemNames <- c("gfs","cmcg","eta","gasp","jma","ngps","tcwb","ukmo")

obs <- paste("PCP24","obs", sep = ".")
ens <- paste("PCP24", ensMemNames, sep = ".")
prcpTestData <- ensembleData(forecasts = ensBMAtest[,ens],
                             dates = ensBMAtest[,"vdate"],
                             observations = ensBMAtest[,obs],
                             station = ensBMAtest[,"station"],
                             forecastHour = 48,
                             initializationTime = "00")

prcpTestFitCSG0 <- ensembleMOScsg0(prcpTestData, trainingDays = 25,
                                   dates = "2008010100",
                                   control = controlMOScsg0(maxIter = as.integer(100),
                                                            scoringRule = "log",
                                                            optimRule = "Nelder-Mead",
                                                            coefRule= "none", 
                                                            varRule = "square"))

[Package ensembleMOS version 0.8.2 Index]